Learning the guitar

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"  _y/n_ wake up" I groan turning away "_y/n_!" I sigh rubbing my eyes sitting up in the bed "ugh what is it peepers..?" I look at the side of the bed seeing commander peepers then I looked to the left seeing hater sleeping still "_y/n_ breakfast is ready" coughs "since its a busy day for lord hater his going to be learning the guitar and I want you there too.
" I nod  "okay then I'll wake up hater so we can go eat then" he nods as he walks out the room closing the door, I layed back in the bed and sigh "man I was having a good dream.." I turn to hater who was snoring as I giggle I start rubbing his back "hey hater wake up" he groans mumbling something under his breath, I sigh "fine don't wake up then" I stood up the bed and went to take a shower
Few minutes passed as finished getting out putting some dress and walking out to the room as I see him sitting up on the bed "I see you bearly woke up"
He stands up walking to the bathroom "yeah it's late all ready go eat breakfast I'll go when I finish" I nod as I walk out the room going to the dinner table in some room he had "ugh why are they so many rooms in here!?"
I got to the room and sat on my chair as I started eating as I see hater coming in arguing with peepers like always, I ignore it as I continue eating, peepers food was always so yummy.
Hater sat next to me as he started eating as he yawn, I giggle listening to him he blushed as he continue eating, I smiled as I finished my food as I sat there waiting for him to finished.
Hater looked at me as he finished his food "what's wrong _y/n_? " I looked at him "oh nothing just waiting for you to finished eating so we can go see you learn how to play the guitar" he blushed crossing his arms looking away " I lord hater know how to play the guitar all ready!"
I giggle standing up as I kissed his cheek "sure love of course you do, now let's go!" I grabbed his arm pulling him to stand up, he stands up as he grabs my hand walking to his room, I follow him as we get there he lets go of my hand as he grabs his blue electric guitar turning on the amp, I go and sit down in a chair I have in there as he starts playing it, I smiled as I listen to what his playing, of course it be rock music.
He lasted a few minutes as he stop and smashed the guitar in the floor, I clapped my hands smiling. "You rock my love!" He blushed walking to me kissing my lips I kissed back as I smiled up at him "since I know how to play really good I don't have to learn no more let's go have some fun messing with peepers" I stood up smiling "okay!" Hater grabbed my hand as we ran out the room laughing.

((Nyah sorry it was short! >.< ))

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