Honeymoon part 2

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(Warning there going to be some lemon >.<)

I was really shy as I took my dress off as I let it drop into the floor as I was only wearing my sexy nightgown with the long white stockings, I went and layed in the middle of the bed waiting for him "baby come and play with your new toy" I blushed deeply looking at him, as he was blushing with his mouth was wide open "w-wow!" He ran to the bed climbing on top of me staying with his clothes on as he grabbed both my arms on top of my head as he started kissing me softly after a minute or two helix led my bottom lip asking for entrance to my mouth, I open my lips a bit as his tongue slowly dance with mine,

After awhile we pulled away as a line of saliva connected both our tongues together, then I felt light kisses on my neck, I slowly moan softly blushing enjoying it, as he pulled away looking into my eyes as he started taking my sexy nightgown off throwing it away to the floor. leaving me naked with my white stockings on, I blushed deeply looking up at him. He blushed as he lean down kissing my neck again as he started going down as he kissed my breasts I moan lightly feeling so embarrassed, out of no where he started sucking on one of my breast as he grope the other one, I gasp as I felt his fingers enter my flower as he pumps his finger harshly inside me, as he also kept sucking on one of my breast, "Mmm" I hummed blushing closing my eyes.
   He kept doing it as he stop sucking my breast as he went up and kissed me on my lips as he kept pushing his fingers in and out of me, I moans louder blushing as I cum in his finger as he took them out of me. He blushed licking his fingers "mmm tasty" I blushed rolling my eyes as he laugh he layed next to me holding me close as he whisper on my ear "my wife is really beautiful" I smiled closing my eyes letting me hold me as I feel asleep. He smiled covering me with the blankets as he yawn falling asleep as well.

((Nyah sorry for this Pervy chapter >.<!!!)

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