Being followed

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I woke up from my nap I felt a lot better I looked around and didn't see hater in the room I stood up as I walked out the room, asking to Maximus room I wanted to see him and cuddle him I missed my son. I walked in his room as he was playing with his toys "hi sweetie" he turns around and smiles "hi mommy daddy said you were sleeping" I nod " I was but now I can to see you come here and give mommy a hug" he jumps up and runs to me hugging me as he puts his head on my belly as he smiled looking up at me " mommy has a big belly " I giggles yes I do, Maximus is going to have a lil brother or sister soon" Maximus jumps excited "yay Ima be a big brother" 
        I nod smiling as I look at him "sweetie when was the last time you shower?" He shrugs "idk I been playing in my room and daddy been getting food for me" I sigh shaking my head of course they wouldn't shower him "your talking a shower tomorrow and it's late you need to sleep all ready but first give mommy a kiss" he smiles "okay mommy!" I lean a bit down as he kisses my cheek and runs to his bed laying down " goodnight mommy!" I smiled turning the light off "goodnight Maximus " I walked out the room as I start walking around the ship trying to find hater.
   A few minutes passed as I find him playing video games and eating junk food in his regular room his always in, I looked around seeing no one around as I walk next to him seeing him sitting down in his big chair as he turn to me smiling "your awake all ready, I thought u would sleep all night" I shakes my head as I made him sit properly in his chair and I sit on his lap yawning "nah I woke up awhile ago just went to check on Maximus and made him go to bed, anyways why are you here alone?" He let Of his controller and hugs me close "just wanted some alone time before I went to bed but now since your awake I'll stay here with you" I smiled kissing his cheek as I cuddle him "I missed this" he chuckled "same my love"
         I grabbed the controller as I start playing his video game as he watches, we stayed awake a few hours playing video games and eating junk food as we got tired and feel asleep in the chair. Is early morning when peppers comes in as sees us sleeping in the chair as we left the tv on with the game on as he turns it off walking out the room letting us sleep still. As I few minutes passed I woke up looking up at hater sleeping still as I stood up slowly stretching "I'll let him sleep still" I started walking to my room yawning still "ugh I'm so tired still.." as I walked in to the room I looked at the bed and smiled "just a few more minutes" I lay down closing my eyes falling asleep again.

Gosh sorry guys I didn't update just been so busy!! Dx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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