Sexie time

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Hey guys sorry for late update been  really busy >.<
Okay so this is a lemon!!
So if you don't like it don't read it 0-0
I'll post the next part on Saturday or Sunday :3


hater stood in the middle of his room, shocked and unable to believe his ears. He swallowed nervously as his cheeks bones flushed and his eyes widened. "What did you say?" he whispered in disbelief.

"I said," y/n started, smiling kittenishly at him, "I want you to fuck me."

"Oh," hater replied, unable to say much else. "Well, uh..."

He blushed further as y/n tossed her long, silky hair over her shoulder seductively and then closed the distance between them by shoving her firm,  body against his. He felt his tongue run over his lips as she stepped back and shimmied out of her black denim shorts, revealing the black, cherry-print thong she wore underneath. as she stood before him sensually stripping off her top, his hardening dick reminded him of how exquisite she really was.

Hater's breaths became ragged as he stared at the smooth flesh of her flat stomach and her ample cleavage now only covered by a black bra. Of course his first impulse was to give in and start screwing her brains out,

Y/n...why. right now weren't u sick?"

"Because I think you're a sexy husband, and not no more I'm better now"

Hater blushed deep red.

"I want you so badly. I love you, hater. I wanna feel you inside me, I want you to make love to me"

Hater was blushing still listening to y/n

Y/n Smiling at him, y/n  turned around so that her back was to him. She bent down resting her hands on her knees so that her scarcely covered ass was right up his face. "I'm a bad girl that should be punished" she concluded, purring seductively and shaking her ass teasingly.

Hater looked at y/n with pure lust. He lifted up a hand , he prepared to land a firm smack on her perfect ass.

Hater brought his hand down at lighting speed and delivered a firm slap on her butt. She hissed in pain for a second, but then moaned, "Harder, hater.

Not even realizing a grin sneaked its way onto his face, hate complied and continued his firm smacks to her ass, earning a plead for more every time. Just as he was about to deliver another, y/n turned to face him, causing his hand to instantly stop itself.

"I think I've learned my lesson," she stated breathlessly, wincing slightly as she reached behind her and rubbed her reddened cheeks.

Blushing at the sight of a nearly naked y/n rubbing herself, hater nodded His hands still tingled from the close contact they had with her ass.

Hater eyes remained glued to her ass as she walked over to his mirror, swaying her hips as she did so. She pull out a tube of mascara from her bag, reapplying her make up..

"Y/n," he began shyly. "Why do you like me so much?"

She laughed. "Silly because your my husband"

"Oh haha okay then"

Hater smiled. And pulled y/n to the bed laying her on her back. He moved his hands up so that he could squeeze her boobs. Because of her shy nature, not many people realized what a great body y/n  had.

Hater knew, and he loved exploring her every curve. Trailing his lips down her neck, he took her nipple into his mouth.
He bounced her tits in his hands, switching nipples and circling his tongue around her areola. Deciding he had made her wait long enough, hater slid himself into y/n.

Hater began to move back and forth, every thrust sending electric shocks through their bodies. He put his lips next to her ear, whispering his affections. "You're so beautiful. I love you, my sweet y/n." Y/n could only cry out in response, their love-making making speech impossible.

Y/n pussy began to contract, signaling to hater that she was close. He picked up his thrusts, and after a few more seconds they burst, both of them screaming long and loud as they released.

Panting, they held each other closely. Once he was well rested, hater gave y/n a kiss as he kept holding her close

"I love you y/n your the best wife"

She smiles "I love you too hater , let's go to sleep" he nods "okay then goodnight love he turn around ,

She smiled thinking to herself as she rubbed her tummy , let's see if something happens.
She yawns turning away closing her eyes falling asleep~

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