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Chapter 4

I wake up and I see Wildfire looking at me strangely.

" What is on your face?" He asks, examining the bruise on my face.

" I hit my face on my door last night. It's not that big, is it?" I ask, letting him check out my face.

" No, it's just a little purple spot on you muzzle!" He jumps up.

" Good morning guys!" Bella whinnies to everyone.

" I am not a guy!" Fire stomps her hoof.

" I meant everyone but you." Bella snaps.

" Great, we have a moody mare today!" Fire snorts.

" Yeah, you. Now stop it! Both of you!" Domino neighs, we watch over our stall doors, nickering in amusement under our breath.

" Hey, do y'all think something's funny?" Fire snorts in disgust.

" Ok, Fire shut up, you don't have to pick on these foals for a reason that doesn't matter!" Domino snaps at her, kicking the wall of his door, waking up Linco. She glares at Domino, then tries to nip Bella, whom is reaching for a carrot, Tom left on her saddle.

A few minutes after Fire giving a death glare to Bella and Domino, Thomas walks in and greets everyone.

" Good morning Domino." He says scratching his nose.

" Morning li'll filly, morning li'll colt." He says to us, stroking our foreheads.

" Morning Fire." He says, scratching behind her ears.

"And good morning Bella." He says scratching her nose. He puts Domino's bright blue thing on and leads him to tie him up.

" Domino, what are they doing?" Wildfire asks curiously.

" Grooming, the best part of the morning!" He explains, Thomas grabs a brush and places it in circular motions around his barrel, shoulder and hip. Domino lets out a big sigh in relaxation and let's his eyes droop. Steve walks in and grabs Fire's red thing, called a halter, and brings her to one other tie up place, on her way out she nips Domino in the chest, but he bites her hip, not breaking any skin, as revenge.

After they finish grooming, and putting away Domino and Fire, Steve comes and grabs Wildfire's halter and my halter, just as he opens my stall door, I hear a high pitched voice. It's a girl, most likely Hillary, Steve's daughter. She has blonde hair with blue eyes, she is wearing a bright pink shirt and black tight pants, she is talking to something by her ear and when she sees me she screams so loud, it spooks Linco and Wildfire kicks his wall.

" Oh daddy she's adorable, how old is she? Can I name her?" She squeaks.

" Now Hillary, don't get too excited, she is something like ten months and yes, you can name her." Steve explains, slipping my halter on with frustration.

" Everett, come and check out this foal!" She gestures towards a guy with blonde hair and green eyes.

" She's nice!" He says boringly.

" Okay, it's either Sunshine or Ellie, which one?!" She demands both Steve and Everett.

" Sunshine sounds okay." Everett says back.

" No, I like Ellie." Steve snaps back. They bicker and bicker about naming me and eventually, Ellie rules out.' Me meet Ellie, my new name for Hillary. Yippe.' I say in my head. I turn and eat my stale hay, Steve walks in and takes the hay away and replaces it with a fresh flake.

" Is that Fire's foal that I didn't know of!?" Hillary exclaims pointing at Wildfire.

" No, that colt came with Ellie." Steve says with a sigh.

" Oh, well thanks for the foal daddy!" She squeals and pecks him on the cheek, she blows a kiss to me. She walks out pulling Everett along with her. We hear footsteps approaching and a girl with brown hair and green-blue eyes walks in.

" Molly!" Steve shouts and throws his arms over her.

" Hi dad, how are you?" She asks hugging her dad back.

" Good, why are you out of college?" He asks, looking down to his daughter.

" Oh right.. Collage." She says quietly, while Wildfire and I munch on our hay.

" Don't tell me you got kicked out... Again?!" He exclaims frowning.

" For a good reason this time!" She waves her hands side to side.

" How?!" Steve yells at her, crossing his arms.

" Well, this girl named Kat, she couldn't get her saddle up on her horse because he was too tall and she was too short and these other girls, Hanna, Katy and Jackie, all teased her for her height and called her names and threw their lunch at her. So I may or may not have started a fight, fist fight and I knocked a tooth out and gave her a black eye." She says looking down at her boots.

" Well you should be ashamed for starting a fight, but I am proud of you for sticking up for her, I am not angry nor am I happy, I am disappointed you are grounded for two weeks." He orders her, she looks at Wildfire and walks over, patting him on the neck.

" Well he's cute, ain't he dad?" Molly asks.

" Yes, and he is yours to take care of. Hillary is taking responsibility of the black and white pinto filly." He
tells her, placing a hand on her back.

" He's handsome!" She says sweetly.

" Now that you're here, I need you to take the eggs from the chickens, put the horses out to the pasture, muck out their stalls, feed the chickens, walk the dog and milk the cows." He orders her, she walks straight out and gets to work.

Steve puts my halter on and brings me to the 'round pen' and puts me on a long lead rope. He brings out a long stick looking thing and brings me in circles, we do this for a while, changing directions and speed,

" Hey dad, which pasture should I put the colt in?" Molly yells from the barn door, Steve drops the lead and 'whip' and walks over to the fence, giving me time to have a quick little drink of water,

" Just put him in the front pasture with Bella." He shouts, making sure I am not tangled in the lead. He leads me to the 'pasture' with Wildfire and Bella in it and walks away to put my halter as lead away.

" Willow!" I hear a familiar voice call.

" Wildfire!" I nicker back to the galloping colt, he runs around in a semi circle and stops, rubbing heads. It's his eleventh month birthday tomorrow and I want to do something nice for him.

Before we can speak, Steve slides on his green halter and takes him to the round pen and works with him a bit.

" Hey Bella, how's it going?" I ask trotting over.

" Good, how was your training?" She asks, diving in for another mouthful of grass.

" It was amazing!" I say sarcastically.

" Great" she answers, mumbling something else.

" What was that?" I ask curiously.

" Nothing. I think your friend is coming back. " she says flicking her tail. When Wildfire arrives, we race to the end of the pasture and get some alone time to talk.

" Wildfire, what did I you have to tell me, back at the herd?" I question rather annoyed.

" Do you really want to know,"He asks with his dark brown eyes.

" Do you have something to tell me?" He asks turning his head slightly sideways, how can I tell him I like him?

" Yes, but let's do it at the same time. Okay?" I ask him.

" One," Wildfire says,

" Two" I whisper,

" Three" he finally says.

" I Like You." It's what we both say. Stunned, we look at each other. Like total strangers. I like him and he likes to me.

Check off another chapter ✔️
Sorry if it's too short!
By the way, if you didn't know what POV means it means Point of view.
Thanks for reading!:)

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