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Chapter 3

I wake up before sun up and I don't see Bella and a mini shelter is missing. Suddenly, I hear hooves approaching us so I pretend to sleep.

" Foals.... wake up!" A mares voice booms into our ears. We jump up and Wildfire accidentally kicks Fire.

" Ow! You little-" Fire is stopped by Domino, who loped up to her and nipped her, now standing in between us and Fire.

" Fire! Stop, we can't hurt them. That's not our job!" He neighs in her face, she tries to bite him but he nips her instead. She snorts in anger and walks away. Domino turns around.

" Don't let her beat you up. There's a reason she's called Fire, and you don't want to find out." He says with an angry look on his face. He trots towards her and bites her in the neck, showing that he is the dominant one here. The humans emerge from their shelters and grab their horses, the man with the hair above his lips shows up on Bella sitting on something brown on her back and has a shiny silver thing in her mouth. She is guided by brown ropes attached too the silver thing. He gets off her and leaves her, talking to the other men. She walks over.

" Good morning Willow and Wildfire, how was your awakening? Linco woke you up, didn't he?" She asks, glaring at Fire.

" It was ok, Fire woke us up and Wildfire accidentally kicked her. So she got mad but Domino came and nipped and kicked her for that." I say, munching on some grass.

" Ok then I will see you later, I am going to have a talk with that mare. Bye!" she nickers and walks away. All we hear is a squeal, a loud thump and some yelling coming from the men.

" Good Morning Willow, how was your sleep?" Wildfire asks, with some grass stuck in the corner of his mouth.

" Morning, I slept fine." I say avoiding eye contact, this is the first time I've lied to him. In the 9 months I've known him. It doesn't feel right.

" Oh come on Willow, you can tell me anything. That's what best friends are for!" He whinnies. We hear footsteps and the man with strange markings on his arms comes and unties us, we follow obediently and see that Fire, Domino and Linco all have brown things on their backs and silver things in their mouths attached to brown ropes around their face.

I get tied to Domino and Wildfire got tied to Bella. The men hopped up on their horses and kicked them in the barrel, they started walking and I started a conversation.

" So Domino, where are you from?" I ask looking up at the huge 17 hand high horse.

" I come from a place called Texas. I got sent to an auction and got bought to Thomas. He's the man who's riding me." He says calm and looking straight ahead.

" What does riding mean?" I ask jumping up and down.

" Riding means when a human gets a saddle pad and saddle, puts it on the horse, sits on the horse and steers him with the reins." He explains, looking bored. I ask more and more questions, trying to kill time.

Wildfires POV
I wonder what Willow is doing back there with Domino, probably talking about her life with the herd.

" Bella, can you keep a secret?" I ask her, she isn't that tall she's only, 14.2 hands high, practically a pony. Or so she told me.

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