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Chapter 10

I open my eyes and take a look around me, I am in my dusty old stall, alone. I hear a welcoming nicker and I turn my head, Wildfire is in his stall next to me, poking his nose through the small, wooden pillars that stand on top of our stall walls.

" Good morning Willow, how are you doing?" He calmly asks, I nudge his soft, velvety nose.

" I'm okay, it still feels weird alone in here," I take a small sip of my fresh water and take a look at my stale hay. I haven't eaten in a while. I cant. I feel betrayed by Steve. He took care of me, fed me, groomed me, when Molly wasn't there. And then he sells my goal?! Now there's no Molly, no Argo. I have Wildfire, Domino and Bella, Fire is normal fire, but she strangely has been nice to me.

" Remember when Argo was born, small and scared. When he took his first clumsy steps?" I ask Wildfire.

" Yeah or when Domino raced him and Argo won?" he says, swallowing another mouthful of hay.

" Oh Wildfire, I miss him so much." I say, dropping my head, Argo got taken two days ago and I haven't gotten used to that. Wildfire fiddles with his lock but Steve figured out what he could do and got him a different lock. We hear a truck pull up but I don't bother to look, they all nicker to someone and I hear footsteps thumping through the barn, they swing my door open, spooking me because I wasn't facing the door. I cant believe who it is. its Molly!

She swings her arms around my neck and kisses my nose, I nicker softly and stand there obediently. Another door slams closed and a boy with brown hair comes walking down the driveway and into the barn.

" Tony, the pretty black and white paint is Ellie, and this handsome red chestnut is Bolt." she tells Tony, hugging Wildfires neck.

" Do you think we can go for a quick ride?" he asks, pointing at the tack room.

" Sure, who do you want to ride? There is Ellie, Bolt, Domino, Bella and Fire." she asks Tony.

" Can I ride bolt?" he asks curiously.

" Yup!" she happily says, skipping to our halters. She hands him Wildfire's one and she grabs me and takes me to the cross ties.

We are going to the back trail. My favorite trail, it has a hour long ride to a beautiful waterfall, a huge fenced in pasture, a cabin, a lake and a barn.

Molly grabs my red, blue, brown and black saddle pad and places it carefully on by back, snatches my brown leather saddle from its place and swings it up on to my back, quickly doing up the cinch tight, unclicks my blue halter and gently, slides the bit into my mouth, loops the brown brow-band around my ears and grabs the reins, ready to go. Tony on the other hand, was still working on the cinch. Molly chuckles to herself before throwing my reins over my neck and goes to help him, I follow her, walking just two feet away from her, trying to not step on her heels. in less than a minute she has wildfire tacked up and ready to go.

" These saddles are different from the ones back home." Tony jokingly pouts.

" What? do you ride English or something?" Molly jokes, kissing him on the cheek, she never really liked English riding.

They ride us out of the barn, galloping east into the green, lush forest. Our manes blowing in the wind.

" Wooo hooo!" Molly whoops through the air, she leans forward letting me know that we are racing the boys. I stop going my slow gallop and gallop faster than you can say "giddy up". After fifteen minutes of racing, walking and talking we finally arrive to the cabin, empty of coarse. Molly hops off me and unlocks the door everyone who ever went there hid a key behind a flower pot, and welcomes in Tony, leaving wildfire and I awkwardly standing there.

" I totally beat you back there!" Wildfire says, breaking the silence.

"Oh yeah? Wanna go again?" I sarcastically whinny, Molly jumps out of the door and spooks us, sending Wildfire rearing and me cantering away. I almost trip on the bobbing reins a few times, almost run into a tree when I stop. I am in a big tree grove. I snatch my reins up in my mouth and regret running away because I have seemed to lost track of where I was running. But there is a snap in the bushes, I kick out behind me and my hooves hit something hard and yet, soft. I whip my body around and laying in front of me is a yellow-tan cat, a Cougar. I bow my head in apology then suddenly, he lashes out with his claws, just missing my head,

"Hey! I was apologizing!" I squeal, that's when I notice his ribs.

" Look at me, I'm starving! I was waiting for a pretty mare to end up in my path. I am Alsted, son of Alkamar, The Great Hunter." He proudly announces.

" Yeah okay, I'm just going to go now. Nice to meet you." I politely inform him, he bats my neck with his paw, just missing my throat.

" Not sorry, but as I said earlier, I am starving and I will do anything for food." he says, backing me up against a tree.

Wildfires POV

I break free of Tony's hand, galloping the way Willow went. I recognize her scent in near by grove of trees and see a cougar cornering her by some trees, I lope over swiftly and quietly. The cougars ribs are showing badly and he is obviously blood-thirsty. I snatch him up by the tail and throw him onto some rocks, grabbing Willow's reins, we gallop away. But not far enough. The swift cougar jumps up on my back, digging his long nails into my withers and shoulder.

I drop Willows reins and leave her from a safe distance. I start to buck wildly, the unsuspecting cougar loses grip and goes flying off my back into a big bush of thorns. Ouch! We canter away from that place with our reins in our mouths. After ten minutes of painful cantering, we slow to a walk.

Willows POV

" Remember the time when we just got to the ranch, and how I bit Cole!?" I whinny to him.

" Oh yeah, he was so mad!" he nickers back.

" Do you remember when we told each other we liked each other, how I ran away and how you didn't talk to me for so long!" I say, nipping him in the shoulder.

" Yeah, but you had a foal with a jerk!" he exclaims, joking.

" Why does that bother you still? What, would you like to have a foal with me?" I whinny. Oops. He is about to say something before being attacked by Molly, with a ferocious hug.

" Oh my gallop! I thought I lost you two forever!" she exclaims!

" Don't ever do that again! But thank you for coming back." she happily praises us.

Se snatches our now dangling reins, and ties us up to an old, wooden hitching post. She comes back out of the house with two apples. She flips her hands and flattens them out, holding out the two juicy red apples, I lean in and carefully take the apple, Wildfire does the same. She leads us to the barn and untacks us, now noticing Wildfires cuts,

" Oh, what happened this time. I bet it was that cougar." she whispers. She grabs the first aid kit and cleans it up. It doesn't need stitches so she puts Wildfire in the stall next to me and feeds us, washes out and fills our water buckets and leaves to help with dinner with Tony.

That day we remembered, Argo, each other and the good times. We finish up our hay and fall asleep very fast and I dream of galloping through fields with Wildfire, tackless, jumping logs and running free. My mother once said; " Follow your dreams, they always mean that it is your destiny." Oh mother was always right. Maybe, just maybe, it was my destiny.

Another chapter done. this one is a bit longer than my other chapters,
How is it?!

Thanks so much for reading!


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