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Chapter 26

I let the horses rest behind a large hill. We have been traveling for a couple of days, many have found their original herd. Including the mare with the white foal.  So, my traveling herd consists of mainly black, roan, grey, bay, paint, and chestnut horses. Crisp, luckily, found a good herd and she is now safe. Misty and Juno now have a herd, they found it at our last stop. We only have somewhere around, 27 to 30 horses left. I walk into the forest for some shade and get surprised by that blue roan paint.

" Hi. Can we talk." his voice sounding shy.

" Y-yeah. May I ask why?" he nods his head.

" Okay, why do you want to talk to me?"

" So, if you hadn't noticed, I am only around four years old. Do I remind you of anyone?" he turns in a tight circle and I notice a very familiar marking.

" Well, you do kind of look like Argo, my son. But he was sent away to live a wonderful life with humans. I-I don't understand why he would look like you." he says nothing.

" Wait. Argo?" a chill runs up and down my spine.
" Argo!" I lunge at him, nuzzling him.

" Mom! Its been forever!"  he sound so happy. My heart throbs and I close my eyes.

" Argo! Why did you run away from that training place? How did you survive in the wild? You didn't grow up in the wild, so it would be tough to survive." he rears up happily.

" I ran away to find you. I couldn't leave my mother behind. And yes, it was tough to survive but I'm here, aren't I?" Wildfire dashes through the bushes and rears up in surprise of Argo.

" Hey! You get away from Willow!" jeez, sometimes he can be way too overprotective.

" Wildfire! Stop! That's Argo, not some other horse!" he lands back down on his four hooves and stands there, shocked.

" A-Argo?" he nuzzles him happily. After a few minutes of catching up, we walk back to the herd. A black horse lopes up to me. Leo. He was the stallion who fought Wildfire, who broke that mans leg. Wildfire's ears get sent flat against his neck as he approaches me.

" There's the herd leader. Horses were starting to get worried." I try to act sweeter than I usually am.

" Ok. Thanks for letting me know, Leo." He prances off, back to his little pack of friends. We graze for some minutes, but I get distracted. A flash of white zooms through some bushes beside me. I jerk my head up and spot the white horse in between two, humongous trees. I burst off after it, forgetting about the herd. It almost floats as it gallops I front of me.

" Hey! Stop!" It speeds up and jumps through a bush. I do the same and halt. I am surrounded by trees and it is darker than it should be. A snap comes from in front of me. I snap my gaze to the horse in front of me. It is as white as snow, as tall as Domino and has blue eyes, blue like the sky. It steps foreword, I step backward but bump into a log. It stops and speaks. Barely a whisper.

" Get the herd out of here." And almost disappeared like a ghost. Her voice was clear and bold but quiet. The mare is gone. A sharp whinny sounds through the air. I spin around and jump through the bushes. Jassy stands at the mouth of the forest and looks panicked. I glance behind her and see panicked horses. I burst out of the forest, with Jass following. The herd immediately picks up my scent and follows.

I lead the herd away from where we were and hide everyone in a cave. I look out the outside of the cave and spot Wildfire helping Jassy up off the ground. She tripped. And behind them, riders on three horses. I want to whinny to them, but they would lead the humans to the rest of us. Wildfire spots us and whispers to Jass. She hides in the forest, while Wildfire keeps galloping. As soon as the riders are out of sight, Jass bursts out of the forest and almost slams into me. Not even ten minutes of waiting, Wildfire comes galloping down the hill he went up. I let out a relieved sigh and lead the herd out the opposite way.
The river sloshes up against my knees as we walk across the fresh water. I whinny, encouragingly, back to the herd. We have been traveling for over an hour and I feel that we are close to something. That this place is familiar. I look beside me and nudge the sleepy Wildfire. I jump up onto the bank and wait for the rest of my herd. Leo is talking to about 19 horses. I trot over and ask.

" If it's okay with you, I'm going to split this herd in half and take them to join my herd. Which is just myself." He asks in the nicest way he can.

" Okay, which horses do you want to take?" I am hoping he doesn't want Jass to come.

" Well, I know that these eighteen are in, and I also would like Esmerelda, her foal, Sapphire and her foal, some other mares over there, the two bay mares and they can bring their foals too." He looks and sounds confident in his decision.

" Umm... Only if they want to. You can't force them. And if they all agree, we have to say goodbye." He nods in agreement and all of the horses say yes. And they say things like.

" Don't take this the wrong way!" Or,

" I just want it to be easier for you." Or even,

" I want a stallion to take care of my foal and I." We say our goodbyes and proceed on our journey, without the 28 horses. So it's pretty much just Wildfire, Argo, Jassy, Kona (a seal brown mare), and her foal Nico and I. We walk out into a clearing and I spot a clump of horses across the field. I look closer and see a chestnut mare, a black paint mare, a red roan stallion and a few other horses. I tell Jassy, Argo, Kona and Nico to stay put until I come back. Wildfire and I make our way across the open plain. Soon, the red stallion shoots his head up and nervously whinnies out to me. I return it with a calm, sweet sounding one. As we get closer, the paint mare looks anxious. I now am only four horse lengths away from him. He approaches and sniffs us out.

" Hello." His voice, scarily familiar, speaks clear to us.

" Hi, we are looking for the Two Eagles herd. Do you know where we coul-?" The paint mare cuts me off.

" Wait, Willow?!" She jumps foreword. It takes only a few seconds to realize.

" Mom? D-Dad? Lace?" I engulf my dam and sire in a hug, with my neck in between theirs. Wildfire nuzzles his mom and looks astonished. I neigh out to the four who are across the field and they come racing up. I introduce them to my dam and sure.

" This is Jassy, she is kind of my foal. This is Argo, he is my original blood. And this is Kona and Nico. We saved them from humans. Along with the other hundred or so." My mother looks a tad bit confused.

" Wait, how is this sweet little filly 'kind of' your foal?"

" Her mother died and I took her on. It's pretty straightforward." An amused nicker comes from her greying muzzle. I remember something and turn to Red.

" Hey dad, didn't you...uh...die?" He almost falls over for some reason.

" What?! Who told you that?"

" Giant, he said that you didn't want to come after Wildfire and I for the safety of the herd. And that you were found dead behind some rocks. Where is he?" My mother steps forward.

" Sweetie, he got kicked out after trying to steal Lilly and Lace to make his own herd. We haven't seen him for years." I turn a slight bit angry.

" That lying, stealing, stupid stallion!" Wildfire nods his head in agreement and Lace nips him on the neck,
" Don't say that. Just because he did lie and he did try to steal members from the herd doesn't mean we can call names." I've always loved Lace for her kindness for all. Even for the meanest of stallions or mares!

" Willow, I'm tired." A small voice comes from beside me. That voice belongs to Jass. I turn to her and nuzzle her.

" Now Jass. It sound a bit odd for you to call me Willow, so do you mind calling me mom or something? It's just an idea you don't need to-" she cuts me off.

" No. I don't mind, mommy." I turn back to Red and before I can ask anything he speaks.

" You can bed down in the forest. That's where we sleep. Actually, we should all get some rest. Come on everyone." We all lope down into a grove of trees and I stand beside Sierra, Jass, and Argo. I close my eyes and drift off. But before I fell asleep, I told myself something. To not be scared or worried anymore. I am where I belong.
My herd.

OMG!!! They found their herd! Did you see that coming? She found two things in her life;
1.) Her son (Argo).
2.) Wildfire and her herd.
What? Oh yeah! Anyways..... ThAnKs FoR ReAdInG!!

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