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Chapter 27
OMG! Almost last chapter?! AGHHH! How did that happen?!

I wake up to the sound of my mothers voice.

" Willow? Wake up."

" Just a few more minutes!" she nudges me on the shoulder.

" Come on, its no time for sleeping in." I shake my head and wait until I hear her walk away. As soon as she steps way, I look, side to side and break into a trot towards Wildfire. He nickers to me as I approach.

" Hey, you should've seen Jass just ten minutes ago, she was racing Argo across the meadow. She won." An amused nicker comes from my muzzle and I notice that everyone is back in the sleeping place.

" Why is everyone here?"

" Shh! Red heard something. No, someone." My mothers breaths short and shaky. Then I hear it. The familiar sounds of horses hooves thumping against the ground. Wildfire spins around on his hind legs and whispers some thing to Lace. She nods and he walks, quickly, up to me.

" Listen, I'm going to distract them from us. Don't come after me." He nuzzles me.

" Wildfire, I lov- d-don't get caught." I manage to whisper between shaky breaths. He gallops out and as soon as he gets in front of them, they see him. My heart almost stops as they throw the ropes, trying to get him. Luckily, he dodges them all and leads them away. I start to realize that he may never come back. But, he bursts over the hill and into the meadow. Lathered in sweat, nostrils flaring.

Unknown's POV

As I sit upon my horse, I watch as the red chestnut stallion races back to his herd. His black and white mare immediately trots up to him and watches the way my men went. We did it. Once their stallions go missing, they will be hopeless. Now, we wait until the perfect time. They almost gave the herd to us on a silver platter.

Willow's POV

Wildfire jumps into the river and just soaks in it. I notice just a tint of pink water flowing down the river and snap my gaze back at him. I search all over before finding a small cut on his withers.

" Wildfire, how did you get that cut on your withers!?" He looks up at me.

" Oh, uh. I was kinda teasing one horse and she lunged at me. I'm fine though." I pretend to make a big deal out of it.

" Oh, no! We have to get that cleaned up before it gets infected. Or you bleed out!" Jass lopes over and makes sure that everyone is okay. We walk back over to the herd and Lace shakes her head at Wildfire.

" Hey! You told me you wouldn't get hurt, young stallion." He now starts to really act like a young stallion.

" But, mom! I'm not a little stallion anymore! I'm a big, strong and tough stallion!" Red butts in.

" Hey, at least they didn't geld you! I knew a stallion a while ago, he got captured and now he is a gelding. Your lucky!" The herd fills with amused nickers, except for Nico and Jass. Sierra walks up to Red with a serious expression plastered on her face.

" Okay everyone! We are moving out. The humans know where we are and we have to move." Red starts at a gallop away from where Wildfire led the humans away. I bring up the rear with Wildfire at my side, once again.

It's been four weeks since we last saw the humans, but Wildfire is always on the lookout. I look up from grazing and glance at the beautiful Appaloosa before my eyes. Her near sparkling coat ripples off her body. Jass was all grown up. She nickers to me and nuzzles me.

" How was your morning, mom?"

" Oh, very boring. Until you talked to me." She nickers in amusement. I look at Wildfire and watch as his ears go flying. I walk up to him and ask him.

" Hey, what's the matter?" he switches his glance over to me.

" I hear something. Red!" he calls. My father comes trotting up to us.

" What is it, Wildfire?" Suddenly, Red and I pick up the sound.

" Can you come with me? I am going to find out what it is." Red nods and Wildfire turns to me.

" I'll be back. Don't worry." and lopes off with my father.

Not only three minutes after they've gone, I realize that they had made a huge mistake. We are left with no stallion. My mother and I herd the mares, colts and fillies into a group.

Wildfire's POV

We come around a corner and immediately slide to a stop. There are ten men on horseback, swinging their ropes above their heads,

" Run!" I neigh to Red, but he is already caught in ropes. I lunge and bite the rope, snapping it in two. One man shouts to someone behind us, they have us cornered. We start to back up and my backend hits something hard. Rock. They have us cornered against a cliff. I look over at Red and they have him in ropes and he is just scrambling to get out. I feel a rough rope tighten around my nek and I rear up. They manage to somehow tie my front hooves and parts on my neck. I have a rope around my muzzle, keeping me from biting. They start to pull and tug on the ropes, dragging us away from the herd. Red sends out a echoing neigh before they shove a rope onto his muzzle. One guy brings out a big, brown objects. A gun. He lifts it to the sky and pulls the trigger. He yells at the others and they start to pull, again. He sends another bullet into the sky and we now listen.

Willow's POV

I hear two gun shots and before that, a loud neigh. It belongs to Red. I gather up all the horses and we start off to find Wildfire and Red. Just when we're loping across a bushy field, some men pop out on the backs of horses. Few pull out big guns and starts to load them. I lunge at one and snap it in half. The man turns his horse and harshly kicks it into a gallop away.

I snap another two before hearing a high whinny. I snap my gaze back behind me and the whinny came from my mother. She freezes and I turn back to the man. But his gun wasn't aiming at me, it was aiming for Sierra. I squeal and lunge at the gun. Just as he pulls the trigger, I knock it out of his hands and snort. The gun drops to the ground and he yanks the gelding away. I turn around and watch her lope up to me. She nuzzles me and whispers.

" Thank you!" The others come from around the corner and go into a happy trot over.

" Willow! You saved Sierra! You saved the herd!" Lilly nickers. And just at that moment, Wildfire and Big Red come galloping over the hill. We all follow them across the meadow and stop back at home. Wildfire turns to The herd and says.

" I'm so sorry for getting us all in this mess, what happened while Red and I were gone?" Jassy answers before anyone can.

" Willow saved Sierra from being shot and she saved the herd!" She rears up in excitement and Wildfire turns to me.

" Willow... Is that true?" I nod my head and he nuzzles me.

" I knew you wouldn't give up on the herd." I nuzzle back. The herd echoes with;

" Awww!" And we both nicker in amusement. Red neighs and starts loping away, with the herd in tow. We follow back, together.

I saved the herd.

AHHHHH!!! Next chapter is the last one?! Wow.
tHaNkS fOr ReAdInG!
P.S. That rearing horse on the front is grown up, Jassy!

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