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Chapter 7

A few days have passed since the whole Gravity thing, Wildfire is still sketchy about Gravity still being here. Every time he walks by the fence in the middle pasture, Wildfire snorts or kicks out at him. Hillary trudges out of the house dressed in tan breaches, paddock boots, a white shirt under her riding jacket and is carrying a crop. Molly grabs her by the arm and pulls her away from the old barn door.

" What are you planing on doing, judging on what you are wearing you are going to ride?" Molly whispers.

" Of coarse, Dad trained my Ellie didn't  he?" She spits back.

" Your mare is probably pregnant, she bred with Gravity Tuesday, its Friday!" Molly yells at her.

" Thats not a 'yes, she's pregnant', that's a maybe!" She spits at her sister, grabbing my halter. Molly storms in the house yelling things behind her back, Hillary slips on my halter sloppily and leads me to the hitching post. And grabs my saddle pad throws it on my back, yanks my saddle off its place and this time, gently puts it on my back, she cinched me up, took off my halter and throws it to the side waking up Wildfire, I hear Molly yelling for her dad and he yells back.

" SHE'S WHAT?!!" He yells back, bursting through the door. Hillary has a bridle on and hops on me.

" Willow, what are you doing?!" Wildfire whinnies to me, I cant whinny back because Hillary has me out of there before Steve or Molly could grab her. She gallops me off and down the road to a creek. The galloping hurts, she did my cinch up too tight and she grabbed the wrong bridle. We slow to a trot and stop in a field, she grabs her phone from her pocket and sits there. I hear the sound of galloping hooves and turn my head and see Linco and Bella galloping towards us, they are the fastest and most experienced horses on the ranch. Steve stops Bella and hops off her, snatches my reins and pulls Hillary off.

" Hillary! Do you know how much damage you have done to this mare?!" He yells at her grabbing her phone and drops it on a rock. It shatters into many pieces.

" DAD! You owe me a new one!" She complains picking up her precious little phone.

" No, now answer my question!" He screams at her, snatching her phone away and tossing it to Jack, who puts it in a sack tied to his saddle.

" No dad, I don't know how much damage I've done to this mare." She stomps.

" Look, her legs are shaking, she's dripping blood from her mouth, you did the cinch up too tight, if you pushed her any harder, you could've killed the poor girl." He exclaims pointing at the blood dripping from my mouth, I don't feel a thing, my adrenaline levels are so high. He loosens my cinch and ties me to Bella, hopping on.

" You are forgetting someone!" She complains.

" No, I have what I was looking for, a mare and thats it!" He kicks bella and we smoothly trot away, leaving Hillary, crying, phoneless and a pain in her feet from walking 4 miles in her boots on a hot day. We trot halfway and then end up walking. I limp my way back down the driveway and get untacked, my back is dark with sweat and I am tripping over my own hooves, I get put in my stall and get a fresh flake tossed over.

" Oh my god! Dad, you found her. I got Jack's text and I called a vet, since Zoe can't because of her pregnancy." Molly exclaims throwing her arms around my neck.

" Nice job Molly, I need you to put all the horses back in their stalls, feed and water them and then you can drive out to see how far your sister has walked." He says, handing her the keys, she squeaks in happiness when she gets her hands on them and then marched out to get everyone. I can now start to feel an agonizing pain in my left hind leg and taste the blood in my mouth. I lay down and loudly neigh in distress, I hear a faint sound of pounding hooves and a sharp whinny. Wildfire. Molly drops the leads and opens my door swiftly, I look at her and she is crying, a tear drops on my cheek and I fade into a deep sleep, all I hear is approaching footsteps, horses whinnying worryingly and the sobbing of Molly.
When I wake up, Molly hasn't moved from where she was last night and is sleeping. I look at my left hind leg and see that the bandage around it is stained with blood. My mouth feels fresh and clean and lastly, I am awfully thirsty and hungry. I quietly stand up and take gulps of water and start slurping up some mash that is still warm.

" Hey girl!" Molly quietly whispers, stroking my neck. I take a look around and see that Steve is talking to another man in a long, white jacket. The vet. They walk over and greet Molly and I, giving Molly permission to go and eat.

" She is doing okay, she has lost quite a bit of blood but is doing fine." He calmly says, checking over a clipboard. I hear the sound of footsteps coming closer and closer.

" Finally, she's awake!" Hillary squeals. Oh great. She walks over and tries to hug my neck, but I end up biting her on the shoulder, sending her away with a future bruise. Molly comes back with a bucket of mash filled with tiny apple chunks.

" When are you doing the ultrasound Doctor Colt?" She asks, hooking the bucket on a hook, replacing it with the other one I quickly ate.

" After she is done eating!" Steve exclaims, helping Dr. Colt with the machine. After eating, they hook me up to the ultrasound.

" Ok, so that is the foal. The heartbeat is a little bit above normal but otherwise it's still okay," Dr. Colt explains pointing at the screen.

" Would you like to know the gender?" He asks Molly.

" Yes please!" She answers excitedly.

" You are going to have a.... Colt!" He exclaims, clapping his hands together, waking up Linco. He nods his head and congratulates me in a nicker. Molly kisses my velvety nose and skips off to tell Zoe. Wildfire wakes up and nuzzles me.

" Good morning, how's your leg?" He asks worryingly.

" It's fine, I lost quite a bit of blood, but I'm fine!" I answer, nuzzling him back. We get our morning hay and everyone's up.

I feel like I have betrayed Wildfire for some reason, I don't know why.

This chapter is a bit shorter than the others because my mind is going a little blank,
Thank you for reading!

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