Crossing The River

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Chapter 13

When I awaken, Wildfire is still sleeping and I quietly walk to the creek and take a few gulps.

" Well, good morning!" He nickers, startling me.

" Oh, Wildfire. It's just you!" I sigh, he grazes on a patch of long, bright green grass but I stick to my short, dark grass.

A few minutes pass before I hear a rustling in a nearby bush. I take a step closer and something jumps out at me, tearing at my chest. I whinny in fright and try to turn and gallop away, but it's no use. It scrambles on my back. Wildfire bolts my way and bites the attacker. I buck the creature off of me and turn face to face with a savage three to four year old bear. He snaps at my face and swings a large, black paw at my neck, almost knocking me down. Wildfire stomps on the bears back with his front hooves and the bear now attacks him. Scratching off pieces of red fur from his hide. I bite the bear as hard as I can and he scrambles off with a slight limp.

Feeling proud for only a moment before colliding with the soft, brown ground.

"Willow!" His voice echoes through my head.
I black out.
I open my eyes and smell blood. My blood. Wildfire is pacing down by the river and notices me.

" Willow!" He gallops over and nuzzles me gently.

" Are you okay? You were bleeding badly!" He anxiously asks.

" I'm okay, I am just sick to my stomach with all this blood!" I reply, struggling to get up.

" We got to get you to the river. To clean all that blood off." he helps me to the river and I lay down in it. The rushing water cleans all the nasty blood off, blood flowing down the river. I stand and shake my hide, pink water splashing everywhere. Trotting over to Wildfire, I notice a huge meadow across the river and stop in my tracks. He looks at me and throws his nose into the air. I do the same. I can smell a faint scent of horses, rabbits, a bear, and coyotes. I take some steps forward and plunge into the river, my wounds stinging with the cool water.

" Willow, you have to rest, your wounds aren't closed yet." He whinnies, I turn and trot into our sleeping place. The sky is a dark blue, allowing stars to shine. He follows and stands on guard at the mouth of the cave, not going to sleep.

" Its okay, nothing is going to get me. I'm safe as long as I'm with you." He breaths a sigh of relief and walks over to me. He lays down beside me, allowing me to rest my head on his back. I fall into a dreamless slumber.

I wake up and nudge Wildfire awake,

" Its morning time! My wounds are closed up and I am feeling fine!" I jump up and prance around, showing my inner filly. He gets up and chases me, playfully, to the river. I slide to a stop suddenly and he bumps into my rump. He pushes me into the river and I throw my head up, trying to grab his mane. I take hold of a clump and tug him into the river. He pops his head up and whinnies in amusement. We get out and shake our hides, soaking some plants nearby. We graze a bit and he wanders off a ways away. I glance at him an he is focussing on eating. I quietly, step by step, cross the river and finally get to the other side. There is now a strong scent of horses.

Strange. I venture deep into the forest and find a creek. Now noticing how thirsty I am, I dip my muzzle into the water and take some sips. I hear some snapping of twigs behind me and expect it to be Wildfire and keep drinking. I swing my head around and take a horrifying glance to what's behind me. Four mustang stallions,  a black one, a leopard appaloosa, a pure white one and a big, strong buckskin. I whip my body around, my back legs against a rock wall. I stamp my front ones at them and they just inch closer.

" Hey Arrow, what do ya think about this one?" The white one says to the buckskin, Arrow.

" Well Wolf, she definitely has the spirit of Rocket." Arrow says glancing at the black one. Rocket snorts and stomps.

" Pluto, do you think this will be our mare?" he asks the appaloosa, Pluto bobs his head up and down in agreement.

" Get away from me, or so help me I will..." I get cut off by Wolf.

" Look! Look! She can speak!" he sarcastically mocks.

" What? Did you actually think I couldn't?" I sassily say, pinning my ears.

" Well, we have come across some mares who couldn't speak. But now that we know you can its a good sign." Arrow announces, stepping forward.

" Sign about what!?  Don't get any closer Arrow!" he stops in his tracks.

" You don't need to know." Pluto steps as close as Arrow is. I loudly neigh but no answer.

" Oh, no need for that, this is Echo Woods. Nobody can hear you in here." Rocket eerily steps forward. I look around, I am cornered in by rocks, huge trees, and the stallions. they get closer and closer within the minute, so close I could kick them.

Arrow steps forward and I lash out at him with my teeth, just grazing his neck. He jumps back and snorts.

" Don't get too nippy, missy." he and his gang of stallions back up a bit, realizing how close they are to getting a hoof at their face. My at her warned me about these groups. Bachelors.


The grass around me is so green and long. I look up and notice that Willow is missing. She left fresh hoof prints that lead into the river. I whinny out for her and get no reply, I trudge my way through the cool water and step up on a muddy bank.

The scent of horses are fresh and some different from Willow's.  But, I pick up her scent going into the woods. Following her scent and tracks, I hear voices. Low, strong voices, voices of stallions. I start to get anxious and walk faster. Then I can see them, four bachelor stallions cornering Willow. She sees me and looks scared, the big buckskin is obviously older than us and stronger than me. I have to save Willow.


Wildfire! I see him behind Arrow, he is looking anxious and he goes and hides behind some trees.
" What are you looking at?!" Wolf snaps.

" Well, now I am looking at a very stubborn mule." I tell him, he stomps his left front hoof and snorts.

" You think you are pretty brave talking to us like that." He steps even closer, my hooves are ready to rocket out of here or into their faces.

" You think you are pretty brave talking to us like that!" I mock. I turn my head to the side to look around and then turn face to face with, no one except for Arrow. He snorts and tosses his head. I rear up unexpectedly and he does the same but stumbles down.

I weave my way through the stallions and burst out into the meadow. With Wildfire at my side, we gallop faster, faster and faster but still with Wolf, Arrow, Rocket and Pluto still on our tails.
" Hey! Look what she got, a small stallion!" They all neigh in amusement, but I push him on, encouragingly.

Eventually, we stop and turn to face the stallions.

Chapter 13 done!
Thanks so much for reading, commenting and voting! My updating schedule is hopefully, every two-three days. I publish a chapter when I am done writing it. Hope you like it!


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