Finding A Way

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Chapter 12

We gallop through the dark forest, twigs and leaves, scraping our faces and body's as we run by. We break into a clearing and I look behind me. All the lights are off in the house and Steve doesn't know yet.

We find a place to rest under a near by willow tree. We fall asleep quickly, listening to the chirping of the crickets and the swish of trees in the wind.

When I wake up, the sun is just rising and Wildfire is at a nearby creek, lifting his dripping muzzle over and looking at me.

" You're awake!" he nickers trotting over and nuzzling me.

" Yeah, do you think we made the right choice, Wildfire?" I ask, nuzzling him back.

" Hey! It was your idea silly!" he playfully nickers. We hear the sound of hooves approaching us and Domino bursts through a bush, all tacked up.

" You two have to get out of here, Steve is sending a search party," he exclaims, breathing heavily.

" Go! Get out of here now!" he nips us in the neck and squeals, turning and cantering away.

" Goodbye!" he whinnies from behind his shoulder. We spin around and gallop away into the woods.
We finally stop and notice the storm cloud ahead and take a breather. We have been galloping for hours and have passed creeks, rivers, and jumped over fallen trees. We go and take a drink from a nearby creek and find a little sheltered area under some trees.

" Did you see that storm cloud?" Wildfire asks. We glance up and the big, black cloud is hovering over us.

" Yeah, I'm pretty sure it will pass."

" I'm tired, we should sleep. We have a long day tomorrow." he lays down to rest because his legs are shaking from all the running and I graze for a bit, wandering a bit far.

A few raindrops drip on my back, but I continue to graze. Before I know it, rain is pounding on my back and I can barely see a horse lengths in front of me!

" WILDFIRE!" I neigh, no reply.

" WILDFIRE!!" I shriek, a loud bang of thunder erupts from the sky and spooks me, cantering forward. I bump into a tree and brace myself against it.


" WILLOW!" he calls. His voice is distant, but I can follow it.

" WILLOW? WHERE ARE YOU?" he shrieks, the rain feels like needles against my back and stings with every thousand drop.

" Wildfire!" I whinny. I spot an outline of a horses trembling body, Wildfire. I somehow make it to him and collapse beneath him.

" It's ok willow, you can make it." he lays down beside me and watches me for the night
When I wake up, Wildfire is still awake and the storm still continues. I look up at him and he has fearful, white rimmed eyes.

" Are you okay?! You collapsed and freaked me out!" he whinnies, nuzzling me. Another crack of lightning lights up the area around us. It used to be green, lush, open and sunny. but now its dark, full of broken pieces of trees and bushes, and as dark as Domino is. The trees around us are creaking and swaying in the powerful wind few of them are knocked over, we hear a snap and a loud boom!

" We have to get out of here!" I squeal, getting to my hooves. He wobbly gets up and looks at me.

" How?" he asks.

Another bright light cracks through the sky, sending a flash of light....

" There!" I point my muzzle over to a clearing between two giant cedars. I lead him, loping away to the clearing. A loud snap sounds through the air and on of the two cedars lumbers towards the ground, in front of us. We gallop as fast as we can to the exit, but fail to make it in time. The tree crashes to the ground and sends pieces of the tree flying in all directions. I rear and spin around, Wildfire almost knocks into me and slides to a stop.

" Willow? Now what?!" he neighs. I can barely hear him even though he is standing right beside me.

" We have to find a way out, its too dangerous by the sides of the meadow, get to the center!" I order, he obediently follows and we stand side by side and try to wait out the storm.

After what feels like eternity, the rain starts to stop and the storm cloud thins out, letting in a hint of sunlight in. It looks as if a hurricane, tornado and tsunami ran through the once beautiful meadow. I look around and we are almost fenced in completely, by trees and debris.

We take a walk around and there is almost no way out! Wildfire calls me and finds a small hole in between two trees. He squeezes through and now its my turn. I get halfway before getting stuck.

" Umm... Wildfire. I'm stuck!" I nicker, finding it somehow amusing.

" Okay, I will push this log and just get out as fast as you can!" he says, pushing the left one away from me. I lope out and he quickly backs out. The two trees roll together, clogging the hole with bark, brush and branches.

We gallop away and race each other to a big fir tree, I won. The sun soon drops behind the big mountains and stars start to sparkle across the sky. we settle down under a spruce tree and we drift off, sleepily. Wildfire almost falls over due to lack of sleep from the storm. I dream about finding our herd and seeing my mother again.

When I wake up, Wildfire is grazing in knee high grass and there is a sound of water trickling down a creek.

" Morning!" he nickers, I trot over to him and join him to graze. After a few hours, we continue our long, long journey back home. After running into some friendly deer and a not-so friendly badger, we pick up a familiar scent by a river. We cross the chest high water and follow the scent up river. It leads us a few hours up river and then the river splits into two.

" I think it goes right." He says.

" No Wildfire, I think it goes left!" I snap. He lowers his head and takes a sip of the cool water.

" I'm sorry, I'm just excited. " I apologize. he lifts his head up and touches his nose to mine.

" Its ok, I am too!" he replies. We go right and travel until we find a nice place to sleep, which turned out to be a small outcrop in a moderately tall hill. The stars start to appear and lights up the sky, I look at wildfire and his eyes are sparkling, reflecting the stars.

I rest my head on his back and drift off, feeling him breathe in and out, the sound of his true, thumping heart. he lowers his head and falls asleep and we both sleep peacefully.

So so so sorry that I haven't updated in few days! I've had school, a field trip yesterday, MATH!!!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you so much for reading and voting! how do you like this chapter?


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