A Few Days Off

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Chapter 15

The willow tree sways back and forth in the wind. The morning sun shines through the branches of the tree, showing its yellow and orange colors. The morning birds are singing their songs. Pluto is drinking down at the creek and I go join him.

" Hey Pluto!" I nicker, he looks up at me and nickers back.

" Morning Willow!" I drench my muzzle into the water, swallowing mouthfuls of the cool, clear water. We walk down the hill for a walk and hear breathing, slow breathing. Behind a bush emerges a dark bay mare, who is drenched in sweat.

" Do you guys know where some water is?" She exhales, we lead her to the creek and she just chugs the water down.

" Sorry, my name is Kindy." She introduces herself.

" Hi, I'm Willow, and this is Pluto!" I announce, pointing my nose to Pluto, who is grazing nearby. He lifts his head and strangely, trots away. She looks at me and turns her head to the side.

" What's cuties problem?"

" Sorry, Cutie?" I ask.

" Well he's cute, isn't he?!" She nickers.

" Okay, sure." I reply,
Kindy is just blabbering away about him, when Wildfire trots over, his mane bouncing up and down.

" Wildfire! This is Kindy, she just showed up and kind of stayed."

" Hi, I'm Wildfire." He introduces. She checks him out and steps closer, I pull her away and explain.

" Hey, he is mine! You can have Pluto!" 'Wow. Did I just say that?' I think to myself.

" Okay, geez!" She trots over to Pluto and he awkwardly, tries to socialize while she tries to flirt. We graze with Pluto and Kindy, waiting for the others to wake up. At sun up, Arrow walks to us and without a word, he throws his head down and grazes. Rocket appears from the bush and notices Kindy.

" Well, who is this?" He says in a sleepy voice.

" Rocket, this is Kindy. She is new here." He says 'hi' and walks over to the creek and grazes over by the water. We take a day off and just talk, eat, drink and relax.
Another day passes. Another nice day has arrived. Again, Pluto is up and I go to talk to him.

" Do you like Kindy?"

" Well...... s-she's nice!" He stutters.

" Yeah, you do like her." I playfully tease. He just sarcastically scoffs and gets back to grazing. Kindy canters out from her sleeping area, closest to Pluto's, and nuzzles him.

" Good morning!" she chirps, sending a glare to me.

" Good morning to you too!" I mutter. Wildfire and Arrow come from across the creek, with yet another mare. She is very lean and small, her black coat, matted with mud. She shies away from us and hides behind the stallions tails.

" Hey, its okay. We wont hurt you." I try to comfort her, but she is still shying. Rocket emerges from his sleeping place and she immediately goes from scared to happy, ears back to ears curiously forward. She cautiously steps from behind their tails and stands beside them. She looks six to seven years old but its strange for a mare to be that old to be that shy,

" Good morning everyo-" he stops talking and just stares at her. I now notice her beautiful marking on her forehead and her blue eye.

" Well, w-who is this?" he stutters, its pretty funny watching Rocket talk to a pretty mare.

" She hasn't said a word since we found her, you mind trying to get some out of her, Mr. Charming." Arrow teases. Turns out, Rocket has a soft spot for black mares. Especially mares who don't have a herd, he is the charmer to get mares to talk.

" Okay, fine." he says, leading the mare over to the creek to drink and wash off. Pluto and Kindy trot off for a walk and so that leaves one mare with two stallions. Me. We all go down to the creek and it has lowered. It used to be up to our knees, now it is down to our pasterns. It is ice cold and the field is frosty. That only means one thing, fall is coming. The sun shines through the meadow, it is a beautiful sight. The grass, sparkling with frost, the sun gleaming through the willow trees. Wildfire walks into the forest and I walk over to Arrow.

" Where's Wildfire going?" He turns and nuzzles me affectionately.

" Who cares." I back away, slowly.

" What do you mean? 'Who cares'?"

" I mean, he's gone. Your mine now." He creeps closer, I whinny to Wildfire.

" He ain't coming back for a while. I sent him to get Giant for the mare. And that's miles away." I turn and start to walk away, but he lopes over and stands in my way. So I bare my teeth at him and gallop after Wildfire. Arrow's thundering steps behind me, I veer off into the thick woods. After about five minutes, I gallop into a clearing and hide in a bush. Arrow follows my trail until the clearing. He bolts off into the forest across the way from where we came. I wait two minutes before, loping off back to the trail.

Following the slightly used trail, I spot a red outline of a horse. I burst into a fast gallop and come up behind him. He snaps his head towards my direction and nickers.

" Willow, what are you doing? Did Arrow send you to tell me which way is the herd? Because I forget which way to go."  I breathe heavily.

" No! I think Arrow likes me, because he was sure acting like it!" he flicks his ears back and stops.

" What?! I just thought he was nice!" there is a change in direction, a fork in the trail. I turn to Wildfire before spotting a buckskin horse galloping far off to the trail on the left.

" We have to turn around, he is heading to the herd. We need to go back to the meadow." I turn and trot away, his steps behind mine so I start into a gallop.

After one hour of galloping, we break into the meadow, Pluto and Kindy in his sleeping talking place and Rocket and the mare nuzzling down at the creek. He looks at us, and whinnies. We trot over and explain to him what happened, he was kind of confused. After ten minutes of grazing Rocket speaks up.

" Hey guys? This is Night, she was banished from her herd and was in a bad storm." she steps forward and nudges me, gently.

" Hi, I'm Night. And you are?" she sounds a bit shy.

" Willow, and that is Wildfire." I look at Wildfire.

" Hi!" he trots up. I walk away with Wildfire behind me and turn around.

" Listen, we need to go. Arrow could be back in a few minutes. Lets say goodbye." we trot over to Rocket and Night. Nuzzle goodbye and then lope to Pluto and Kindy, we say goodbye and then lope off into the forest. I nicker to Wildfire saying 'stop' and look, from behind a bush, and watch as Arrow comes galloping in and desperately looking around.

We quietly continue our adventure into the woods and don't stop until we are thirsty, hungry or sleepy.

Authors Note:
Sorry it took so long to update! I was very busy with homework:( I promise it wont take me more than four days to update!
Thank you all, my readers, for reading and voting!

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