Chapter 7: It's probably just the flu

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Bridesmaid dresses and Christina's wedding dress above^^ okay so guys this is a HUGE chapter.

I've been waiting for this for practically forever.

POV: Tris

I carefully pry the black bedsheets to the side of my bed, and stand up abruptly.

And thats when I feel it.

My stomach shocks of pain and I run to the bathroom.

I'm hunched over the toilet when Tobias comes in.

"Tris!" His eyes widen "Are you sick?"

"I don't know" I groan "I don't think hangovers last this long. It's probably just the flu."

"Okay, do you need anything?" He asks.

"Water would be nice"I reply giving him a suppressing smile.


"Come in!" I yell.

Julia walks inside, her blonde curls bouncing off her shoulders. Her face is a light pink color and a ear to ear grin is plastered on her lips.

In her hands are a full bouquet of daisies.

"Awe, Thanks Jules," I say reaching out to wrap my arms around her.

"It's no problem" she smiles.

She sits on the side of the bed next to me.

"How are you feeling?"

"Not the best at the moment. My body kind of aches and my stomach is really swollen. I've been throwing up every once in awhile."

"You know I really think you should see a doctor" she suggests.

"Maybe," I say, making it sound like more of a question than an answer.


3 days have passed by and I've been sick every morning.

I suppose I caught a really bad case of the flu.

I finally give in, deciding see a doctor like Julia suggested.


I lie my head down and take a deep breath, trying to relax myself as much as possible.

I'm glad I got Marlene as a nurse. I'm very close with her, and she's always been on the sweet and caring side. That's exactly why she's such a helpful nurse.

"Okay Tris, what are your symptoms," Marlene ask.

"Swollen stomach, throwing up, body aching," I list.

(A/N: I'm not an expert in medical health or what you do to treat a patient in this case, so I'm just going to go with my best guess)

"Ahh, I see," Marlene study's the computer scans.

"I don't think your sick Tris," she begins.

"Then what's wrong with me?" I wail.

""Tris..." She declares "Your pregnant."

I'm utterly speechless.

"Are you sure? Because I don't think your ri-"

"I'm positive Tris," she politely interrupts.

I feel nervous, and my hands begin to shake. I think it's wonderful that Tobias and I are sharing a child now, but I have so many questions and feelings.

I know pregnancy is difficult, but I'll get through it. But what will Tobias think? We haven't totally discussed children yet.

I'm sure he will be caring and supportive, but I can't help but worry.

I hear a few noises from the machines beside me.

"Tris your blood level is getting high. You need to take a few deep breaths. Are you having anxiety of some sort? I you are, there is no need to worry. Tobias will be thrilled. I guarantee it," she assures me.

The first thing I do is head to Christina's.

I feel she should be the first to know besides Marlene.

"Tris," she greets me cheerfully while opening the door.

"I'm glad you stopped by. Follow me, I want to show you something," she giggles.

She brings me into a nursery with two beds, a girl bed, and a boy's.

"I'm having twins!" She exclaims.

"Congratulations!" I hug her.

"Well, there's something I want to share with you as well," I tell her.

"Go ahead," she says sitting down on the coffee brown armchair.

"I'm having a baby."

"Tris! That's so wonderful!" She congrats me.

She begins to fantasize about the fact that we are nearly pregnant at the same time, which I already knew would happen.


I ponder when to tell Tobias.

I have to tell him soon. This is too big of a deal, and I shouldn't keep it from him.

I'm sitting in the edge of our bed when he strides in, breaking my thoughts.

"Hey," he smiles.

"Hey" I awkwardly great him "I want to ask you a question."

A stern facial expression appears on his face. It's most likely him worrying about me, and why I seem so awkward.

"When were we expecting to have children?" I ask.

"I don't know," he respinds, pausing to think "When the time came I suppose."

"Tobias," I announce "Uour going to be a father."

His jaw drops, and his eyes light up.

"Your pregnant?" He exclaims.

"Yes," I nod, smiling.

He stands up, starting down to grab my waist.

He lifts me off ground as I laugh hysterically. Why did I have to be so ticklish?

"That's amazing," he beams.

"I'm so glad your happy about this."

"Why wouldn't I be? It's our first child!" He laughs.

"I don't know. I had no clue how you felt about kids yet," I admit.

"Well, I'm thrilled. Don't ever have any doubts about that," he persists.

"I love you," I blurt.

"I love you too Tris, more than you'll ever know," he whispers wrapping his arms around my waist.

His breath dances on my neck, fanning my hair in little wisps.


She preggers! What do you guys think, feel, question? Comment anything! I was always so excited for fourtris babies lol. Love you guys and thanks for the wonderful support.

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