Chapter 23: ill be able to carry you when your nine months pregnant

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Video above was made by me! :) I hope you guys like it. I have a YouTube channel and you guys can subscribe if you'd like! It's divergentxobsessed. Xoxo

Time Lapse: 3 months

Pov: Tobias

Tris and I are about to see the gender of Gillies.

Yes, Mikey temporarily named our baby Gillies.

I'm so excited, given the fact that lately Tris has been Vomiting, Stomach Pains, and Raspberries.

She has a big craving for raspberries.

Her stomach isn't that big, but it's got a bump alright.

Mikey wanted to come with us so I take him to get dressed.

"Here, why don't you wear these nice black pants?" I suggest to him.

"No. I want to wear the bwig boy shworts," he says.

"Alright if that's what you want," I laugh handing him his black cargo shorts.

I give him a black t-shirt to add on too it.

As I come out of Mikey's room I hand Tris her Raspberry container.

"I thought you might want these," I smile.

Her expression from happy then turns to worried.

"Are you implying that I'm fat?" She scowls.

"No, no not at all," I try to reassure her.

Tris has has major mood swings lately on anything anyone says.

She got in a fight with the lady at the grocery store the other day.

Maybe it's wrong, but I enjoyed it.

Until we were kicked out.

We head down to the doctors office and end up running into Marlene.

"What's the gender?" She asks.

Marlene got pregnant a little bit before Tris, with a boy. Uriah is very happy.

Shauna and Zeke also had a girl and they named her Rosie after her dark red natural lips and her brown hair.

"We are about to find out," I answer Marlene.

"Awe I can't wait. I'm so happy for you two," Marlene smiles capturing both of us in a bear hug.

"See you later," Tris waves.

"My legs are getting so sore from walking," Tris says.

My best way to help was picking her up.

"I can't believe you can still carry me like this," Tris laughs.

"I'll be able to carry you when your 9 months pregnant."

We both laugh together finally arriving at the doctors office.

Mikey still stays silent by our side playing with his stuffed animal panda.

"Come on in," a nice woman with ark brown hair says opening the door.

"Okay.. Tris," The doctor says reading off her sheet,"I'm Dr. Pendell. How many months pregnant are you?"

"3 and a 1/2," Tris answers immediately.

"Okay your definitely up to date to know the gender of your baby. Let me just take the ultrasound," She trails off.

I hold Tris' hand the whole ultrasound. She flinches a few times but nothing other than that.

"Mr. and Mrs. Eaton I'm honored to inform you that your child is girl!" Dr. Pendell exclaims.

My mouths curves into a smile. I'm so happy. I was hoping for a girl.

"Mikey your going to be a big brother," I tell him.

"Woohoo!" He giggles starting to pretend he's driving a car.


"What were you hoping for?" I ask Tris.

She too has a bright smile on her face.

"A girl," Tris says.

"I'm so excited," Tris says on the way back.

"Me too," I reply kissing her hair.

"I can't believe how far we've come. I love being connected to you in a way. I am a Eaton now and I'm honored." Tris grabs my hand waiting for my response.

"I love you, and I love that you are apart of my family," is all I say.

"I love you too," Tris says.

I wrap an arm around her and grab Mikey's hand leading my family back to our apartment.

We sit outside on our little deck in our apartment. Tris sits on my lap with an arm around Mikey and Lelia by our side.

The sun sets in beautiful colors. Tris became my life, and I couldn't be more happier. I couldn't imagine my life without her. It would be empty. Tris was always my missing part and I was never fully whole till I met her. I love her deeply and she loves me back and that's all I'll ever wish for. My family is everything to me and I am thrilled to see the rest of Tris and I's lives that we will spend together.
I can't believe it's over. I remember starting this fanfiction months ago. It's amazing how far I've come. I have grown into a better writer through this but I still have much yet to improve on. I can't thank everyone enough. I hope even after I complete this that my fanfiction will get more views and votes. It was difficult to write some of this because the way Veronica writes with her characters are so hard to base off of because I'm not fully sure how they would react in certain situations but I try my best. I love you all and I loved writing this. It makes me so sad that it's ending but I knew it was coming. There is going to be a huge epilogue coming up to fill you out in on the rest of Tris and Tobias' life.
(Check out the epilogue up next :)

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