Chapter 20: You shaved his eyebrow?

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Pov: Tobias
Mikey giggles and throws his hands around as he watches some television show for kids.

It's his second birthday today. Tris set up streamers and balloons all around the apartment.

"I can't believe how big he's getting," Tris sniffles.
He said momma last week.

"Yeah. He's going to be an amazing kid."

Marlene bursts through the apartment.
"Sorry I'm late," she pants "Where is everyone?"

"Mar, I said 4:30 not 4:00," Tris laughs "Where's Uriah anyway?"

"He's coming," she hides small giggles.

"What happened?" Tris raises her eyebrows.

Uriah trudges into the room.

I burst out laughing. Uriah's right eyebrow was completely gone.

"You shaved his eyebrow," I laugh.

"Uh-huh," Marlene nods laughing with us.

"Shut up," Uriah grunts making us laugh even more.

"Wait till Zeke sees this," I say.

Mikey glances over starting to laugh at Uriah. It was adorable.

Tris and I have been planning our wedding. It's only 2 weeks away.

Tris appears behind me and wraps her arms around my torso. I smile and kiss the top of her head.

We set out the cake once everyone has arrived. Tris lights the small black candles.

"Mikey blow out the candle," Tris whispers.

Mikey tries his best at blowing the little dauntless flame out but he can't.

(A/N I'm sorry I have to make this reference lol but in Allegiant after Tris died he said I guess a fire that burns that bright isn't meant to last. It was something like that lol but just had to make the reference)

He ends up spitting all over the table, along with the precious dauntless cake.

Mikey tries once more and I get up to help him.


He nods his head revealing his blue frosted teeth.

"You licked the cake."

"It wooked nummy," he shrugs giving me the puppy look.

Who could be mad at that.

I smile ruffling his small head of hair.

Mikey catches us all of guard when he shoves his face into the cake grabbing fistfuls and enjoying himself.

We all laugh as he smiles again showing his blue grin.

We all open presents afterwards. It was about 5:00 when we started a movie. We were all so tired we fell asleep 5 minutes into it.

Happy Birthday Mikey.

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