Deans reaction when someone tells him that he's bad news for you

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Y/F/N means the following: "your friends name" meaning you can choose which friend

Dean takes a step forward, trying to stay calm, "Look bud, I may not be the best thing for Y/N but I love them more than anything. Nothing can change that." He states, "and who the hell are you to judge our relationship?" Dean questions, getting more angry. "You don't know me! You don't my story." He starts to shout.

An old guy friend, a hunter named Y/F/N, decided to talk to Dean. Tell him that he isn't safe around you. "You're Dean fricking Winchester! A hunter who got raised from hell. And took over the Mark of Cain. You're not difficult to define!" He shouts back at Dean.

Right now Sam and Castiel, an angel from heaven, are working in Kansas. Trying to find a cure for the mark of Cain. They took in a witch and their friend Charlie to help them. You agreed to stay with Dean, keep him occupied and unsuspecting of Sam's plan.

Unfortunately, Dean is unstable with this mark. Sending you to the hospital a couple of times. Sam and Castiel have called begging you to just go with them. But each time you tell them, "It's fine. It's worth it if it means saving Dean" no matter how bad the injury.

Before you the Winchester brothers, Y/F/N and you used to go on hunts together. After you met them, you decided to stay with Dean. After you fell in love with him.

Y/F/N was of course furious with your decision, but he watches you from a distance. Scared for what might happen to you. "Y/N has been put in the hospital several times ever since she started hunting with you! You're bad news. And it seems everyone can see that but her...and she's stupid not to see it."

Dean takes another step towards him, "You don't get to talk about her like that" he warns Y/F/N.

"I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to take her with me for awhile. Where she's safe." He states.

"No. You're not." Dean is furious now and the mark of Cain is dying to take over. The thought of you gone could kill him. Every time your in the hospital, Dean stops what what he's doing to stay by your side. Showing that he still cares.

He lunges forward at Y/F/N, shoving him to the ground and punches repeatedly.
Y/F/N tries to fight back by blocking and rolling, then punching Dean.

The mark is continuing to take over, Dean's eyes grow darker, making him stronger. Once again Dean forces them to move around the room. They knock over a tall lamp, the glass bulb shatters and you hear it from your room.

You get up slowing from the bed and leave the room. Weakly walking towards the noise. Y/F/N is now pinned to the floor with Dean punching him, harder. With more power. He sees blood on his own hands but doesn't care.

You slowly push open the door to the room their in. Leaning on the medical pole for support in your blue hospital gown, and an IV tube in your arm. The door is fully open and you see them on the ground.

Dean pounding on his face. You become terrified and take a deep, painful breath, "Dean! Stop!" You shout at him. He doesn't. You look at Y/F/N, who sees you as well. His face is bloody and swollen. With Dean still punching, Y/F/N slightly raises his hand, begging for your help.

You have tears in your eyes. You can't do anything now. But you want to try. You step forward, letting go of the pole. Your legs feel like paper and can't walk by yourself. You fall on your knees and look at Dean again, "Stop, Dean! Please!" You yell louder.

This time he hears you and turns. You see his eyes go from dark to his gentle green. Dean as he looks at you then at his hand. He sees the blood. His expression goes from anger to fear, "Y/N....I...." Dean says. He rushes towards you. You try to back away, he looks hurt from rejection. "I'm sorry..." He says and yells for a nurse. For you and Y/F/N.

Dean takes your shaking hand. You can feel the wet blood touch your skin. Causing you to feel queasy and shake. You say nothing to him and try to pull away.

"Please, Y/N. I'm really sorry..."

You look in his eyes, seeking for the change to happen again. They stay the same, but now, he can now see the fear in your eyes.

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