Imagine getting drunk with Sam one night and him telling you that he loves you.

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You turn the wheel to pull over to the side of an empty road. The sound of the car stopping on the gravel dirt somehow wakes Sam. He takes a deep breath and turns to you.

"What are you doing?" He asks, stretching his back.

"We've been driving three days straight, Sam. Face it, we need a break." You unclip the buckle of your seat and open the door. Stepping out with Sam following behind.

Before you were heading home to the bunker in Kansas. Sam, Dean, and you were dealing with a Wendigo case in South Dakota with Bobby. He called you then you called the boys after a day. Saying how this case seemed too difficult just for the two of you.

After you were finished, you and Sam decided to head home while Dean stayed behind to help Bobby with a few things. You didn't know the details, but, you didn't ask.

And surprisingly, Dean allowed you and Sam to drive his car, his baby. The 1967 Chevy Impala.

The air was cold with no breeze as you walked to the trunk of the impala, quickly opening it. The false red carpet was only a disguise for everything underneath. A shotgun was always used to prop up the fake deck of it.

Although, at this moment, right now, you didn't need it, instead, you grabbed Deans hidden package of beer keeps buried behind a pile of clothes and open it. Placing two in your hands and walk back to Sam.

He was standing in front of the car, his hands in his pockets, watching you. He sighs and smiles once he sees what's in your hands. You hold up the two bottles, lightly shaking them.

"What do you say?" You ask. Then smile jokingly, "I don't want to drink alone..."

Sam huffs out a laugh and drops his head. Then leans on to the hood of the impala, his feet still placed firmly on the ground. You twist one bottle open and hand it to him, then your own.

You sat down on the hood to the left of Sam. Staring up at the sky. Watching the stars, "You know Dean's going to kill us for drinking these." He says, getting more comfortable on the car.

You look at the brown glass bottle and take another sip, "His fault for leaving then where I could find it."

Sam laughed at your response and continued to drink his beer... A lot quicker that you expected. "Sam, slow down" You tell him. He removes the bottle from his lips. It was empty and from the looks of it, not a drop was left.

"I think I need a few more drinks," He told you before getting up. He took another step and turned, "and it maybe best...if you drive us home tonight..."


After you finish your first drink you lay down on the uncomfortable cold metal, your head resting on the glass, closing your eyes. You didn't feel drunk, only a little tired. Because you're the one driving home. You drank your beer slowly. Not all at once like Sam. 

Right now you aren't really paying attention to anything. Your eyes have been closed for so long that you're almost asleep. Sam sounded so distant that you could barely hear him. You could only catch something's he would say.

You feel the car move and the sound of the metal get ruptured by Sam's movement, "And you know what..." Sam whispers, getting closer to your ear. He doesn't lay down, but leans so close that his drunk lips are almost touching your skin. "I love you.  Like, in love...with you."

Your eyes shoot open, "...wait...what?" You ask Sam, slightly confused.

He sits up and takes another sip of his drink, "You...didn't hear me?" He says slurring. You place your beer on the hood of the impala, turning your body towards him.

"I don't think I heard right." You tell him as you set yourself up. Sam scoffs and shakes the bottle in his hands.

The little liquid in the bottle splash the inside of the glass. "I think I need another drink..." He toss his beer along with the others in a small cardboard box in front of you.

This had to be his seventh one, at least. You wanted to cut him off, but it seemed like the more he drank the more he opened up and told jokes. It was entertaining to you, and seemed to please Sam. You grab his arm before he jumps off the hood.

"Hold on a second, Sam. What did you say, really? You probably won't remember anything in the morning." You say, hoping it would convince him to say it again.

He looks down at your small hands wrapped around his arm, then back at you. Sam smirks, "You...are...really short..." He laughed, "You just want say it again..."

You chuckle and tug on his arm,"I want you to tell me. No more drinks..." He puffed his cheeks up and let out a breath of intoxicated air. His somewhat childish act made you laugh.

"Fine..." He slurs, and leans in. Pressing his lips against your. At first shock consumed you, your heart beat sped up and you let go of his arm. He immediately plans his own hand on your arms, preventing you from pulling away. He places his body more on top of you, but doesn't crush you.

He does it gently. You can feel his beating heart. It's feels normal, not to fast and not to slow. You would think that at a moment like this would shock him. But now it seems like it was planned.

Although he is drunk, the words he spoke sounded sober."I said, 'I love you..."

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