Imagine Sam when he finds your suicide note and your nowhere to be found

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'So Sam, I just wanted to say I love you, and that...I'm sorry'

Sam reads your note over and over again, each time he feels a massive knot forming in his stomach. His heart slowly breaking and his eyes quickly watering.

He crushes the note in his hand and shuts his eyes. Tears flowing down his cheeks, "Please Y/N... Please don't do this," he says to himself and runs upstairs to your bedroom.

Dean, who is doing research on an up coming case in Washington, doesn't think much of his brother running around. He just assumes that Sam forgot something upstairs, which wasn't unusual, especially with you around.

You've stayed with the winchesters for several months now, after meeting them on a case in Nevada. After they realized that you had nowhere to go, Sam offered you to live in the bunker, without consulting Dean.

He grew feelings for you. And as time went on, you developed them as well. Although, neither of you would admit it. You both thought that with the life you have now, it would be dangerous, even life threatening.

But you did, in fact, show feeling for each other. For example, if you were on a case, you would act as a couple in the neighborhood or partners with the FBI. He would sometimes place his arm around you, kiss your forehead, simple things. You were happy...

When Sam reaches your room, he sees glass shattered across the floor, your clothes thrown everywhere, the lamp on your night stand is now broken in two, and a hole in the wall of the size of your fist. He gulps, think of the worst.

"Y/N...?!" Sam shouts, worriedly. Dean looks up from the computer screen, confused. Sam starts running down the steps, "Y/N, where are you?!"

"What the hell are you doing?" Dean asks, still confused.

Sam starts to unravel the paper with shaky hands, "I think... I think she going to kill herself,"

Dean quickly shuts the lap top and stands, walking closer to Sam. "What?" He questions in disbelief. Sam hands him the paper, he immediately reads it with no other questions.

Sam continues to race around the room, and runs his hand through his hair,"I-I mean I don't know what I did wrong..." Sam said, his breathing became uneven.

Deans sighs, "Oh god, Y/N..." And desperately  searches and  grabs the keys to the impala, getting ready to look for you. Sam feels the walls around him crumble, falling on top of him. He grabs the chair for support. His legs feel weak, his chest has unbearable pain, his throat felt as if it was closing.

Dean sees his bother in pain and on the verge of breaking. Dean stays serious and rushes to Sam's side, shaking his shoulder, "Sam listen to me, this is not your fault."

"It has to be. I mean...she was hurting and I could see it..." Sam stared down at the ground to hide his tears, trying to stay brave in front of his brother.

Dean continued, "hey, hey. Look at me, Sammy. You love Y/N. And we're going to find her, alive."

Sam nods, believing the words of his older brother, someone he's looked up to ever since he was four. Now more than ever. They run to the car, Sam jumping into the passenger seat.

Dean started the car, the engine roared as he forcefully pressed on the gas. They didn't care about the limit, or about a cop or anyone following them, all they cared about was finding you. "Do you see her?" Dean asked. Sam was looking out the window, clenching his fists and shaking his head.

Driving past bars, offices, schools, anywhere they thought you would be. They didn't know this town well, sometimes Dean would take a wrong turn to a dead end or highway and curse out.

"Dammit!" Dean screamed, turning the steering wheel. The noise of the tires scraping the rough asphalt echoed the area. Cars would honk and swerved but Sam and Dean still didn't care.

"We've been searching for an hour...where are you, Y/N?" Sam said worriedly, still staring out the window, focusing on every little detail.

"We're going to find her..." Dean said reassuringly, but also slightly doubting. He didn't want Sam to know that he thought that they were too late, "come on, Y/N, where'd you go?" He said now whispering.

They drive over a bridge, going over the speed limit. Cutting off as many cars as they can. Suddenly, Sam catches a faded glimpse of you, "Wait, Dean! Dean stop the car!" He shouts, Turing his head around. "I see her!"

Dean slams on the breaks, making another large echo that faded in the distance. But they were too far ahead for you to hear it. You're standing on the on the opposite side of the railing, your arms latched on to the sides.
Tears are practically burned to your face that you've cried so much.

Sam jumps out of the car, "Y/N!" He shouts, but you can't hear him, all you can hear is your own heart beat. You shut your eyes grip tighter, you tears dropping to the darkness below you. Taking your last breaths before you jump. Sam runs towards you with Dean following behind, "No!" He gets closer.

This time you hear it and look up, almost surprised. You see nothing but the sky in the distance. It was my imagination... You quickly thought to yourself. The stars are bright and shining, giving a light on what lies in front of you, the way you are going to die. Head first on solid ground.

"I'm sorry," you breathe out, gently letting out.

Your body starts to fall forward, thinking that this is it. Nothing is left for you now....

The cold air lightly starts to brush your skin.

Before your feet give up and leave the railing along with the rest of you. Sam's arm grabs you by the waist, you open your eyes at the sense of his touch, you latch on to him, terrified. Not knowing who he is at first. He pulls you over as if you were paper, as if you weigh nothing.

He holds you and falls to the ground. You look up to see his beautiful eyes staring back at you. He wasn't angry. Sam's expression and heavy breathing showed that he cared. You look down, "You're okay. You're okay..." He repeats, holding you tighter.

Dean stands above the two of you, relieved that they found you in time. Then giving a look at the drop below them. Seeing the distance between you and the solid ground.

You wrap your arm around Sam's neck. Burying your face into his shoulder, sobbing the words, "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..."

He kisses your head, still catching his breath.

"It's okay." He says to you, comfortingly, "I got you now. Your gonna be okay...I'm here. I'm here"

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