Imagine Dean and Castiel in highschool and Castiel having to tutor Dean

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@SpoopyOvercookedBroccoli from ifunny. YOU ARE AMAZING. I love you thank you I give this to you

Cas slammed his head onto the open book laying on the table. He could hear Dean's low chuckle, and how he nearly growled. He sits up, composing himself, and turns back to Dean, "Alright, Dean. Since apparently there's completely noting in that brain of yours other than females with large breasts, lets try this a different way." He gave a fake smile to the jock.

Dean scoffed and shifted in the dining chair, believing that there was no way for him to focus on history. Which happens to be his least favorite subject. Cas then proceeded to try to explain the United States Civil war through well known models and stars, many of which he did not know.

Much to his chagrin, Dean started to participate, which surprised even him. By the time the session was over and time to leave, Cas felt that every ounce of his energy was drained, while Dean couldn't stay in his seat. Suddenly studying was something Dean would look forward too.

"Hey Cas," Dean spoke, "do you do anything other than study?" Cas glared up at him with slight confusion. Clearly Dean must have been smart enough to know that nobody would divert their life to studying.

"Well, yes. I do." Cas explained, "I play the cello, and I have my job. Why?" Dean scoffed amd closed the book in front of him, ignoring the loud noise that came with it.

He stood up, placing the book aside so that he could sit on the table, "I meant like sports. You know? Baseball, volleyball, soccer, or hobbies for all I care." Dean seemed eager to know more things about Cas, whether it was his favorite color or his mother's maiden name. Cas sighed, he was never into things like that. Everyday in his PE class he would sit and count the seconds until it was over.

It wasn't because he was weak. That was the farthest thing from true. Cas was stronger than he looked, in his PE class he is concedered one of the fastest and maybe even strongest people there, but the muscles he had were always hidden by the large, baggy jackets he wore. He has always preferred mind over muscle.

Dean, however, was a different story. He was currently an athlete prodigy to the school. He wasn't bright but he was strong, giving him an advantage towards most of the colleges in the state. Although the schools requirements were the reason Cas was here now.

The school says they need a "C+ average" to graduate. Dean either has a low D or a high F... Three of his teachers have approached him and said that they will give him college credit if he helps Dean get a better grade before graduation. And Cas, being very serious about school and his own grades, agreed.

Cas took a glimpse at Dean, admiring his athletic figure and soft hair. His bright green eyes that could mesmerize anyone if he wanted, and his freckles that could have been created by the kisses of hundreds to thousands of angels.

Cas flinched to see Dean's fingers snapping no more than an inch away from his face, "Come on, Novak. Wake up." He said, smiling. Dean seemed to be amused by Cas; every mistake or stutter he has made in the past two hours have made Dean enjoy Cas' company more and more.

He took a quick step backward, almost falling, "I was just thinking, sorry..." He told Dean, tryng to hide the fact that he was staring. Dean smiled at him, once again, entertained. Without wanting to be even more embarrassed, Cas quickly grabbed the bag that held his books and threw it over his shoulder, "I'll see you tomorrow." He stated.

Dean eyed him cautiously, watching his rapid movement to get everything in order. He smirked as Cas was almost out the door, "Forgetting something, genius?" and held up a cell phone in his right hand. Cas turned and froze, then immediately felt his pocket,

"Sorry." and started to walk back to the table.

Dean's smirk went away, "You sure say 'sorry' a lot, Cas." He told him. Cas, now more embarrassed, looked away from Dean but continued to walk. Believing that saying 'sorry' to Dean was a bad thing.

He walked over to grab his phone, and accidently tripped, somehow managing to take Dean down with him. He let out a girlish scream on his way down, while landing on top of Dean. It took them both a moment to realize what was going on before Cas quickly scrambled to get off. Ironically repeating his mantra of, "sorry, sorry, sorry."

But Dean wasn't able to listen. He was too busy laughing so hard. "What?" Cas questioned, placing his hand on top of his knee to push himself up. Then using both of his hands to brush the dust off his clothes.

"You tripped on air!" Dean said between laughter, holding his own stomach. Suddenly, Cas didn't feel sorry. After a moment, Cas held out his hand, a gesture to help Dean up. Instead, Dean handed him the phone and let his head rest on the carpet, putting one knee up. Cas rolled his eyes and used his other hand to place the phone in his pocket. Leaving the other to help Dean.

He sighed and lifted his head, realized that Cas did want to help him. Dean smiled and took his hand, allowing Cas to pull him up. He made a face of realization, "Wow," Dean started, letting go of his hand, "With a grip like that you should try out for the team."

Cas shook his head, "Rather not." Dean raised an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation, but Cas said nothing more about it. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said again, this time meaning it. Cas walked out the door with everything he needed and had before he got there.

After a minute of walking the street alone he got a text from a number titled 'Winchester' and read, 'Hey Cas! I took the liberty of putting my number in for you since you didn't ask. But really, you should think about joining the football team, we could use a guy like you.'

He turned back to the house. Cas was far away but could still see it in the distance. But what he did not see was Dean standing by the window, observing Cas.

'It'd be stupid to reply...' Cas thought to himself. And shoved it deep into his pocket. He slightly smiled to himself, however. That foolish boy. He walked away, looking up to the sky seeing that the light is starting to fade. Then his walk was breaking into a light jog. Cas wanted to get home before his father did.

Nobody wanted to see his father angry. His older sister, Anna, was out with a few friends for a "study group". His brother, Gabriel, was still at the high school, in detention for pulling a clever prank on his English teacher. Leaving Cas alone with his dad for the night.

Feeling the phone slowly move, he shoved it deeper into his pocket but only to have it vibrate again, revealing another text from Dean, or as it says in his contacts 'Winchester'. He slowed down to read it, 'When's the next lesson?' It read, Cas smiled again but didn't know why.

"Finally something serious..." He muttered to himself and replied, 'Tomorrow.'

He continued to walk and started to put the phone back in his pocket, expecting to get a reply later or even none at all, but he was wrong. The phone vibrated again before he could shut the screen off,

'Alright. See you then.'

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