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Riley: I'm going to need some help for this one... HANJI
Hanji: Yes?
Riley: I need you to turn all the guys into kittens
Hanji: OMG yes! Experiment time!

A little while later

Jean: Meow? (what did you do Hanji?)
Eren: Meow! (shut up Horseface!)
Armin: Meow... (he doesn't really look like a horse anymore...)
Jean: Meow! (ha! in your face Jeager!)
Eren: Meow (shut up dickface)
Riley: I don't know what your saying but you can all shut up. Now, let's go find all the girls
*all the girls are stroking the kittens and 'aww'ing*
Riley: Mikasa, you can look after this one *hands her Jean*
Annie, you can have him *hands her Armin*
Krista, you have this one *gives her Reiner*
Ymir, this ones for you *hands her Bert*
Sasha, take him, and don't eat all his food *passes her Connie*
And Hanji you can help me with these two *picks up Eren and Levi*
Eren: Meow! (hey!)
Meow! (hey!)
Meow? (why does Jean get Mikasa?)
Hanji: Shut up
Levi: *hisses at Hanji* (leave the brat alone)
Mikasa: Awww, he's so cute! *strokes Jean*
Jean: *purrs*
Eren: *jumps on Jean* Meow!!! (get away from her!!!)
Mikasa: Agh! Bad kitten! *picks Eren up and hands him back to Riley*

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