Bonus Chapter: Armin's Nice Dare Reward

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Riley: ARMIN
Armin: H-hi
Riley: What's up? You seem nervous
Armin: Well, it's rarely good to be called here by you
Riley: *sigh* Nobody believes that I'm not actually that bad
Armin: Well, you haven't given that much evidence to support your theory and-
Riley: My word should be enough!
Armin: *groans* Fine. What do you want
Riley: For you all to trust me. But let's not go there right now, I have a dare for you
Armin: See! This is why I don't trust you
Riley: No no! It's fine, it's that good dare I promised you
Armin: What?
Riley: You know, I said that because I made you do something you really didn't want to do, I would give you a good dare as a reward
Armin: Oh yeah, I had to give Mikasa a dare that could've destroyed her friendships with Eren and Jean, not that she's really friends with the horseface
Riley: Since when do you call Jean that? Not that I'm complaining, but it's not like you
Armin: He called me coconut brain so I'm retaliating. So what's the dare?
Riley: Well, I dare you, to dare anyone else to do anything
Armin: Really?!
Riley: Yep! It doesn't have to be mean, but I guess you can embarrass someone if you want!
Armin: Awesome! I already know what I'm gonna do!
Riley: Let's go then

*In the mess hall*

Riley: Hey guys! Armin has a dare
Mikasa: Is it a bad one? I still want to get him back for making me lick the toilet *shudders*
Armin: I didn't want to do it! And besides, I had a bad date too!
Mikasa: *muttering* It wasn't that bad, you just almost got your neck snapped by Levi is all
Riley: Anyways, no it's not a bad one
Mikasa: *low key muttering curse words*
Armin: *mildly offended look for a moment* I get to dare anyone to do anything
Eren: What? Why do you get to do that?
Armin: Because I did something I didn't want to do a while back
Jean: We are all forced to do things we don't like doing but none of us get rewards!
Riley: Shame. Go on Armin
Armin: *nods* Annie
Annie: *slightly nervous* Y-yeah?
Ymir: Is she stuttering? That's a first for Annie!
Annie: Shut up!
Armin: Annie, I dare you to let me kiss you
Annie: W-what!
Jean: Armin you player!
Armin: You can't hit me for this *kisses Annie*
Annie: *kisses back straight away*
Bert: ... *mildly sad look on his face*
Mikasa: He's not so innocent after all!
Reiner: Who woulda thought it, huh? Out of everyone, Armin was the one to dare someone to kiss him
Krista: I think it's really cute!
Ymir: Bless, of course you do
*Armin and Annie no longer kissing*
Annie: ... *blushing*
Armin: ... *blushing*
Levi: Well shit

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