Day 7 Pt 2

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Riley: That's cute how you finish each other's sentences
Hanji: Like majorly,
Riley: Adorably,
Hanji: God damn it Levi!
Riley: You just had to go and wreck
Hanji: Our sentence finishing thing
Levi: Like I care
Riley: Well you should
Levi: Well I don't
Hanji: Well shut up then
Levi: I'm not going to start my sentence with 'well' because that seems to have become our cute thing
Bertholdt: Umm... Should we interrupt them?
Reiner: Nah, that's like interrupting a hero from saving you from death
Sasha: Or interrupting me from eating
Krista: All of which are not good ideas
*Hanji and Riley still arguing with Levi*
Eren: Wow, they are really going at it
Armin: It's quite amusing actually
Mikasa: Don't get too close Eren, you might get hurt
Jean: Oh god, I don't wanna have to deal with Titan Eren again
Connie: Titan Eren isn't as bad as the Female Titan
Annie: -_-
*Reiner and Ymir subtle laughing*
Krista: Hey! Don't be so mean
Connie: What did I do
Annie: *mutters* What didn't you do
Sasha: Excuse me! What did you say about my friend!
Armin: Guys, c'mon don't fight
Eren: While we are on the topic of annoying things, let's talk about Horseface
Jean: Oi! Yeager you are top of that list thank you very much
Krista: Armin's right, we all just need to be nice!
Ymir: I wouldn't even try sweetie, it's not gonna work
Mikasa: And we thought their arguing was bad...
Bertholdt: Guys just try to think rationally and clearly
Armin: Yeah! Don't say anything you might regret
Annie: It's a bit late for that so we may as well just continue
Mikasa: That's not the right attitude to have Annie
Reiner: Ooh bitch fight!


Hanji: Excuse me! Just because I like Titans, doesn't mean I want them to eat everyone
Levi: And just because I like to clean, doesn't mean I want to marry the Kleenex
Riley: You are right, you want to marry the floor cleaner
Levi: Why you shitty brat you have taken things too far
Hanji: You are just a short midget, what are you gonna do about it?
Levi: I'm gonna kick your ass
Hanji: Good luck with that
Riley: Yeah Levi, all we gotta do is climb up onto the table and you can't even reach us
Levi: I'm not short you little shit!
Hanji: Levi, honey, you are the little one here
Levi: I hate you guys
Hanji and Riley: We love you too
Levi: Fuck this shit. I don't get paid enough to tolerate you
Hanji: At least you get paid!
Levi: It was sarcasm! I don't get paid
Riley: Well technically you get paid in life because the survey corps let you live
Levi: And how do you know about that?
Riley: Err...
Hanji: I told her!
Levi: Oh my god I hate you both. Fuck. This shit. I'm out. *starts to leave*
Riley: Awwh, Levi darling
Hanji: Come back sweetie, you'll get lost on your own
Levi: Fuck you

Mikasa: Eren calm down! You are getting angry for no reason and making a fool of yourself
Ymir: Don't worry Mikasa, we are already used to it
Krista: Ymir!
Ymir: What honey, I'm just telling the truth, after all, honesty is the best policy
Sasha: Nah Ymir, I learnt the hard way that it's not
Connie: Do we even wanna know what you did?
Sasha: Probably not
Jean: Anyways, I think we should talk about how Eren is a complete dick again, I mean that was a great conversation
Armin: Jean shut up
Reiner: Nobody likes you
Eren: Ha! In your horse face!
Mikasa: Eren! Be nice!
Reiner: Nobody likes you either Yeager
Bertholdt: Please! Everybody just stop arguing!
Jean, Sasha, Ymir and Connie: SHUT UP
Annie: Well if Levi is leaving, I can leave too
Armin: What? Levi isn't leaving?
Annie: Yes he is *starts to leave*

Hanji: *almost crying* THIS IS WHY I NEVER TRY TO BE NICE

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