Puppies Pt 2

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Riley: Ok! So it's been one week since I gave you the puppies to look after and it seems as if none of them have died which is a good thing I guess, except I now owe Hanji a free dare on whoever she wants... Sorry guys

Hanji: Ha! Yes, I know exactly what I'm going to do *creepy smile*

Eren: Oh no...

Armin: This whole puppy situation feels kind of similar

Jean: Yeah, I get what you're saying, it feels like this has happened before

Riley: That's because it has

Hanji: Well, sort of

Riley: You guys would have been on the other end of things, though

Reiner: What do you mean...?

Connie: Yeah, what you said makes no sense

Armin: *groans*

Eren: What?

Armin: I get what's going on

Jean: What's happening?

Armin: It's like when we were kittens

Reiner: Shit

Connie: I cant believe we didn't realise

Eren: *groans* Go on then, turn them back

*Krista turns back*

Krista: Hi!

Reiner: Well that makes sense, all you did was bark excitedly for no reason

Krista *giggles*

*Ymir turns back*

Eren: That explains a lot

Ymir: What is that supposed to mean? *glares*

Eren: You spent the entire time attacking me then running after Krista

*Sasha turns back*

*Sasha runs to get food*

Connie: I figured as much. She wouldnt stop barking for food

*Annie turns back*

Armin: Annie! *tries to hug her*

Annie: Get off me! *pushes Armin off*

Armin: (being the weakling he is) *falls to the floor* Ow!

Annie: *tries to stay mad*

*still stays mad*

*continues to be m-*

I'm sorry... *helps Armin up*

*Mikasa turns back*

Mikasa: ...

Jean: (for once has nothing to say)

Eren: No. No. No. Go away (clearly over Mikasa like he said to Jean XD) *shoves Jean out the room but falls over in the process* Fuck

Jean: Idiot *leaves*

Mikasa: How the hell did you fall over?

Eren: I don't know but are you going to help me up or not?

Mikasa: *sighs* Sometimes (all the time) I worry about how you are even alive Eren *helps up*

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