Bonus Chapter: Punishment Club

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Hanji: So! Since all five of you broke rules today, I will be punishing you
Eren: *muttering* God help us all
Riley: I'm just here to watch
Armin: Of course you are
Annie: Wouldn't want her to miss out on seeing people suffering
Hanji: First things first, you won't be expected to use nicknames
Jean: Seriously? That's great!
Hanji: Yeah, it's not because I've forgotten them or anything like that...
Levi: *walks in* What's going on here?
Mikasa: Punishment club...
Hanji: Yep!
Levi: Yeah, I don't want to be involved
Riley: Wait, hold up Levi!
Levi: What do you want?
Riley: Hanji Levi was supposed to have a punishment the other day but you never got round to it!
Levi: *glares at Riley* what are you talking about? You must be mistaken
Mikasa: Oh no, I remember clearly that Levi broke several rules!
Levi: Shut up Mikasa
Jean: *wants to defend Mikasa but is too afraid of Levi*
Eren: *wants to defend Mikasa but doesn't want to betray Levi*
Hanji: Oh yeah! I remember now! The day I introduced the rules! Was that yesterday? I don't know... anyways, you are more than welcome to join us!
Levi: Yeah, I think I might decline your offer
Hanji: *smiles creepily* I wasn't giving you the choice
Levi: *muttering under his breath*
Riley: So what are the punishments Hanji?
Hanji: Dares
Armin: What? I thought you said no dares was a rule itself?
Annie: Yeah, that was definitely one of the rules
Jean: It was, Riley looked like she was about to cry when that one got read out
Riley: *ignores Jean* What do you mean exactly by dares?
Hanji: Well, I know it's in the rules, but I made them so I can override them. And I'm going to have each person in this room dare one other person
Eren: That doesn't sound too bad
Hanji: But, the dares have to be approved by me and they will be done in front of everyone. I won't approve of them if they aren't punishment worthy
Armin: Ok that doesn't sound so great anymore
Annie: Who is daring who?
Hanji: Armin will dare Mikasa who will dare Annie who will dare Jean who will dare Levi who will dare Eren who will dare Armin
Armin: But I don't want to be mean to Mikasa...
Hanji: It doesn't have to be mean or anything, just funny at least. Let's go to the mess hall and do them there, make sure to tell your person what their dare is on the way over there

*In the mess hall*
Hanji: Pubishment club on tour!
Connie: Umm... what?
Sasha: Please tell me you aren't involving anyone else
Hanji: Not unless one of these guys has dared their person to do anything that involves you
Ymir: And if they have?
Riley: Then yes, you will be involved
Hanji: Let's get this show on the road! Armin, you're up first!
Armin: Sure... But do we actually have any vodka?
Sasha: Yeah! It's in the third cupboard behind the cookie jar, in between the pickles and the lucky charms box
Connie: That's oddly specific
Armin: *gets vodka and two shot glasses* Reiner
Reiner: What do you want?
Armin: You, me. Drinking competition. Right now
Reiner: Sure, why not
Armin: *giggling for no reason after only two shots*
Reiner: *had ten shots* C'mon man! You've barely had any! You can't already be drunk. Seriously, what is so funny?
Armin: *calms down and sighs, looking highly serious* Well, it's just that what with today's political views, I feel that the meerkats are becoming overwhelmingly critical of the stock market which reminded me of the time that Sasha ate a potato which meant that Mikasa got dared to burn Levi's cleaning products and he cried like a little bitch! *shrieks with laughter*
Ymir and Reiner: *in hysterics*
Mikasa: *subtly snickering*
Connie: None of that was even related *laughing*
Levi: *glares at Armin*
Hanji: Okay, moving on quick before someone dies! Mikasa now!
Mikasa: *sighs* This is actually disgusting Armin
Krista: What's she doing?
Armin: *guiltily* You'll see
Mikasa: *has walked to the nearby toilet*
Eren: What is she-
Mikasa *licks the toilet*
Bert: Oh my god
Mikasa: That wasn't actually that bad because of Levi having cleaned it less than an hour ago. However, the idea that I've licked an actual toilet combined with the chemicals he used, I think I'm gonna be sick *has begun to go pale*
Krista: Armin did you make her do that? That's so mean
Armin: I didn't have a choice *looks like he feels really bad, port cinnamon roll*
Hanji: Ok! Who is next? Annie I believe?
Annie: Ugh... fine... *heads to the kitchen and comes back with the sugar* How much?
Mikasa: *still in the toilet looking like she's about to be sick* Ask Ymir...! She'll know what the dare is
Annie: *looks to Ymir*
Ymir: *thinks for a moment* Your dare is to snort sugar, right?
Annie: Yeah, how much do I use?
Ymir: *pours some out into a line* There ya go
Annie: This is hardly a bad date I mean how hard can it be- *snorts the whole line* agh fuck oh my god apparently really bad *sneezing and just general dying*
Ymir: *grin face* Yeah, don't underestimate the power of the sugar snort
Reiner: *watching Annie's cute sneezes* That's actually kinda adorable
Annie: *sneezes* Shut the *sneeze* up!
Hanji: Ok Jean now!
Jean: I actually hate you Annie, do I have to do it in here?
Annie: *sneeze* Yes!
Jean: Fine... *cursing, walks out to the stables, and comes back with Levi's horse*
Levi: Oi, what are you doing with Rainbow Fluff... *realizes what he said* -I mean, Manly Horse Man thing?
Reiner: Ha nice cover up
Jean: Well, apparently I'm doing this with Rainbow Fluff *kisses the horse*
Ymir: Oh my fucking god that's the best yet!
Krista: *giggling* Ymir, it's not funny *can't control her laughter*
Basically everyone: *dying of laughter*
Jean: Yeah let's just move on now I think it's Levi's turn is it not?
Levi: Fuck you too Jean
Jean: This is gonna be real good
Sasha: Why? What have you got planned
Jean: Oh, just something related to a little thing that Eren told me a while ago
Eren: Wait what?
Jean: You know... on that piece of paper? *mischievous glint in his eye*
Eren: Oh my god what have you done
Hanji: Don't worry Eren, if Levi does his dare well, you don't have to do yours?
Eren: What? Awesome!
Levi: Yeah, you might not think that in a minute
Eren: Why not-
Levi: *kisses Eren*
Eren: *incredibly shocked, but kisses back after a second*
Ymir and Reiner: Called it!Ymir: Krista you owe me $5
Reiner: And Bert, you owe me $5 too
Krista and Bert: Damn...
*Levi and Eren still kissing*
Mikasa: I think we all saw it coming to be fair *covering Armin's innocent eyes, having recovered from the toilet dare*
Annie: At least Jean finally got them together, I mean they wouldn't have done it without his help
Jean: I know, I'm great *smirking*
Riley: I don't think that's what she meant but oh well, keep thinking that if it helps you sleep at night
Connie: This is so gross, I'd rather lick the toilet than watch this
Mikasa: *traumatic flashbacks* Trust me, you really wouldn't
Sasha: Well I'd rather snort sugar
Annie: *traumatic flashbacks* You definitely wouldn't
Armin: Nobody would rather kiss Rainbow Fluff, wouldn't want to take him away from Jean
Jean: Oi! *goes to hit Armin*
Annie: Don't you dare Kirchstein
Hanji: *still in shock that it finally happened*
Riley: Never thought I'd see the day
Hanji: *recovers* FINALLY! MY OTP

Agh omg I'm back, sorta, maybe? Super long update for all the months I've been gone! I've you noticed, I managed to get a couple requests in there as well! I have a list of the requests that I still need to do and bonus chapters that need to happen, so I'm going to try and get round to that soon.

I promise I will try harder to update more, but you know how my promises have ended up in the past...

- M xxx

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