Hanji In Charge

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I think the picture at the top helps to sum up what a Titan-corn God is. You will understand once you've read the chapter.

Riley: So remember in puppies part 2 when I made a bet with Hanji and lost? Well, time to pay up... HANJI!
Hanji: Yes
Riley: It's time
Hanji: OMG yes! I dare you, to dare everyone to treat me as the boss for a whole week. They have to listen to everything I say, no matter how crazy or how likely it is to get them killed!
Riley: We may lose someone by the end of the week... Or maybe even the first day...

*At the mess hall*

Levi: You're kidding, right?
Riley: No...
Eren: This is all a joke, right?
Riley: Afraid not...
Mikasa: So this is happening, right?
Riley: Afraid so...
Armin: And we are all screwed, right?
Riley: Yep...

Krista: Well, I think she will be a great Commander
Ymir: Oh so innocent Krista
Reiner: It's kinda cute
*Ymir and Reiner have a glaring contest in the corner*
Krista: What's wrong with her being in charge?
Connie: She's a demon
Sasha: Yeah, she will find a way to not let me eat any food. Such cruelty, much hate
Annie: The entire week will probably consist of experiments, shipping and titans
Eren: Titans?
Jean: Oh god
Eren: Did you say... Titans?
Bertholdt: No! No she didn't!
Mikasa: Eren! Wait-
Eren: *bites hand*
*nothing happens*
Riley: Ha! Fail!
Levi: Tch. Stupid brat
Armin: Eren you know you can't become a titan if you don't have a motive
Eren: Excuse me! I very fucking well have a motive to kill THOSE GOD DAMN TITANS-
Hanji: Titans? Who said titans?
Riley: Eren yelled it, he also yelled titans earlier but you didn't hear that
Hanji: Oh no, I heard that. I just thought it was the titan-corn gods in my head messing up my brain again
Annie: Titan-corn gods? What the fuck are those?
Hanji: Titan is obvious and then they all look like unicorns so I added that on the end. Then the God thing is that they rule my mind. They control me so they basically play God to my brain
Jean: You are messed up
Hanji: Thank you
Jean: Wasn't a compliment *he says whilst walking out*
Riley: Anyways guys, don't forget that Hanji's rule of terror starts tomorrow... God help us all

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