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Riley: EVERYONE! We are going to continue looking at ships and the next one up is Aruani which is Annie and Armin
Annie: ...Wait what?!
Armin: Uh... I'm kinda uncomfortable with this topic...
Riley: Well, we are talking about this no matter what you say
Annie: I don't want to talk about this, so I won't *starts leaving*
Riley: *gets out knife and holds it to Armin's neck* You sure you don't wanna talk about it?
Armin: *panicking* Annie!
Annie: Leave him alone
Riley: Not unless you come back and talk about this
Annie: *storms back* Fine
Riley: Good. Glad we could reach an agreement.
Mikasa: I'm not sure you could call that an agreement
Sasha: Yeah, it was more of a threat
Riley: Threat, agreement, same thing
Connie: Not really
Reiner: Getting back on the subject, I don't like Aruani
Bert: W-Why n-not?
Reiner: Because Armin doesn't deserve Annie. She needs a real man.
Armin: Hey!
Annie: Don't be mean to Armin, Reiner.
Riley: Someone's jealous. Not naming names but *coughs Reiner*
Reiner: W-what? No, I'm not jealous!
Eren: Sure you're not.
Reiner: Shut up Eren.
Mikasa: Dont tell Eren to shut up.
Eren: Don't argue with him, I can stand up for myself
Mikasa: Sure you can.
Riley: Seriously? Can nobody stay on topic? We are supposed to be talking about Aruani.
Annie: No we aren't. We have already spoken about it. Therefore, we are done here and I can leave without you hurting my precious... Ugh I mean... Armin
Levi: Oh my fucking God she really does like him!
Hanji: Knew it! I totally ship it!
Levi: Nobody cares, you ship everything
Hanji: People care, right?
Ymir: I don't care as long as I'm shipped with Krista
Krista: *blushes*

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