Day 6

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The song is irrelevant but I just put it there because I like it.

Riley: Hanji please let me give someone a dare, I'm bored!
Hanji: Excuse me, who is this Hanji you speak of?
Riley: Sorry, Commander Bitch
Hanji: Thank you, and if you're that bored, then consult section 7.3 part F of the rule book which gives you a nice selection of activities that are permitted when considering all rules
Riley: Oh, I don't have my rule book anymore...
Hanji: What!? Rule 263 states that you may not lose it and several more state that you cannot throw it out and that sort of thing
*Eren walks in*
Eren: Hey Riley, we've finished burning the- oh! Hey... Commander Bitch... We were, umm just...
Hanji: Burning the rule books by any chance Mr Titan?
*Jean walks in*
Jean: Hey Eren! We missed one *holds up a rule book* Shit *hides it behind his back* Hey Commander Bitch
Hanji: As I thought. Well, you've broken several rules including Number 3 about code names so I guess I'm allowed to punish everyone involved *goes to grab Eren and Jean*
Mikasa: *protective instinct kicks in and she appears in front of Eren* Back off Commander Bitch
Armin: *was listening to the whole thing and comes running in with Annie* Commander Bitch, technically, those of us who were involved with the burning haven't broken any rules, except for those not using the code names
Hanji: What are you talking about Mr Coconut?
Annie: He means, we all got together and took a section of the rules each and checked and nowhere in your dumb book did it say that we couldn't burn them
Levi: *walks in* She's right
Hanji: *dark look on her face* Well, I must say, I'm very impressed with your teamwork, even though I'm extremely disappointed that you guys would betray me. Also it's a little upsetting because I was really looking forward to punishing everyone. But I guess I still get to punish Mr Titan, Mr Horse and Female Bitch
Levi: And why is that?
Hanji: Mr Titan and Mr Horse didn't use nicknames and-
Mikasa: You will not be laying a hand on anyone
Hanji: Female Bitch for calling the book 'dumb' which it is not and now we have a new addition! Scarf Bitch just interrupted me so she gets to join the punishment club
Armin: *mutters* Shit we are so screwed
Hanji: Hmm? What was that Mr Coconut?
Armin: N-nothing!
Hanji: I heard cursing so you get an invitation to my club as well
Armin: Can I decline the offer?
Hanji: You can, but Rule Number 942 states that I can kill you if you do so
*Riley and Levi quietly leave before they can do something that breaks the rules*
Armin: Fuck

Hey guys I am so sorry that this took so long to update and that its so shitty. Seriously just msg me to update if you get tired of waiting and it'll probably help me to. Also, I am almost finished with the Hanji reign of terror section of this book so if anyone wants to leave any ideas in the comments or wants to pm that'd be great.

- M xxx

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