Cake Eating Contest

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Riley: Ok... EREN AND LEVI
Levi: What the fuck?
Eren: Why does it always involve us? Can't someone else have a turn at getting their life messed up?
Riley: Aww come on! This one isn't that bad!
Eren: No! I refuse!
Levi: What is it?
Riley: Well it's a cake eating contest between you two and the winner gets to give a dare to the other one
Eren: Can I be a titan
Levi: Tch, no, you would easily be able to win then
Riley: I don't see why not
Eren: Hell yeah!
Levi: What? That isn't fair!
Riley: Do you really think that me, of all people, would actually give a shit?
Levi: ...Not really
Riley: Exactly so here *hands them a cake each*
Ready. Set. Go!
Levi: *starts eating peacefully*
Eren: *bites his hand and turns into a titan. eats the cake in one go*
Levi: *still eating peacefully*
*hasn't even eaten a quarter of his cake*
Riley: Well! Eren wins!
Titan Eren: *roars*
Riley: Agh! Shut the hell up Eren that's so loud! So, tomorrow, Eren will get to dare Levi to do something
Levi: *groans and leaves*
Riley: But in the meantime, I gotta figure out how to get Eren out of his titan form

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