Day 7

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Riley: Hanji! It's the last day of your terror reign!
Hanji: I know! I'm so sad, I mean I haven't had time to conduct any experiments or anything...
Riley: Well you still have today... What's the plan?
Hanji: Well I feel that maybe I went a bit overboard with being in control this week so I thought I'd set up a little surprise for everyone that we could all enjoy together
Krista: That sounds nice!
Riley: Where did you come from?
Krista: Oh I was here the whole time, I'm just really quiet so you must not have noticed me
Ymir: *walks in* Krista? Where are you?
Krista: Over here!
Ymir: *notices Hanji and glares* You haven't had any ideas of punishing her have you?
Hanji: No, I'm not going to punish anyone today
Ymir: Too right
Hanji: Also, could you two please send round the message that code names and rules are not in place today, and that everyone must meet at the horse stables tonight straight after dinner. You all need to bring swimming stuff
Ymir: I don't want-
Krista: Sure!
*Krista and Ymir leave*
Riley: What are you planning Hanji?
Hanji: Quite a bit, and I hope it makes up for how harsh I've been this week

Time skip to after dinner

Jean: So does anyone know what Hanji is planning?
Eren: Not a clue
Sasha: I hope it involves food
Connie: Of course you do
Annie: I hope it doesn't take up too much of my time
Reiner: Aww is someone grumpy
Bertholdt: Reiner leave her alone
Mikasa: I swear if she tries to murder any of us-
Armin: Come on, it's Hanji! What's the worst she can do!
Eren: Are you kidding?! It's Hanji!
Jean: What couldn't she do?!
Reiner: And if that wasn't bad enough
Ymir: She's got Riley and Levi helping
Armin: Oh god
Sasha: We are
Connie: So screwed

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