Kittens Pt 2

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Riley: EVERYONE! You've had the kittens for a week now and most of them have been pretty well behaved. Except of course when this brat (glares at Eren) locked Mikasa's poor kitten outside overnight
Jean: *whimpers*
Mikasa: Aww, it's alright *strokes Jean* I won't let him get to you again. Ever
Jean: *purrs*
Eren: *hisses* (I hate you so much Jean)
Riley: Hanji, would you care to explain where these kittens came from?
Hanji: Sure, but the girls aren't gonna be too impressed
Annie: What do you mean?
Krista: Yeah, aren't they just regular kittens?
Riley: ...Uh. No. They aren't
Ymir: So... What are they?
Hanji: I turned the boys into kittens and those kittens are what you've been taking care of all week
Mikasa: Wait. How are you turning them back?
Sasha: And who do we all have?
Riley: We have an injection for them so they will change back in just a minute and you will see who is who
*all the boys get injected*
Annie: Oh right, hey Armin
Armin: H-Hi Annie
Ymir: Bert?
Bert: Uh...
Krista: Reiner! *hugs him*
Reiner: *hugs Krista*
Ymir: Woah. Back off. *separates Krista and Reiner. Pulls Krista towards her*
Sasha: Connie!
Connie: Oh my god I need to eat. I swear you forgot to feed me so many times!
Sasha: I'm sorry but you were eating my food so I started ignoring you
Connie: *eating food*
Sasha: Hey! That's mine! *tries to get food but is dragged back by Annie*
Mikasa: Jean?!
Jean: Hey
Eren: You fucking Horseface! *jumps on Jean* How dare you take advantage of her!
Mikasa: *drags Eren off of Jean* He didn't do anything!
Eren: He used the fact that you didn't know who he was to get close to you
Mikasa: Lay off! It's not a big deal
Eren: What so you are just gonna side with him now?
Mikasa: You are my brother and I love you but you can be such a pain in the ass sometimes! *storms out*
Eren: Excuse me? Do not walk out when we are talking? *follows Mikasa*
Levi: I'm going to try and stop anything from being broken or becoming messy * follows Eren*
Jean: *still on the floor*

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