Friends Again?

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Riley: Do I really have to? *sighs* MIKASA AND EREN
Mikasa: Why I am I always involved in this shit?
Eren: Nobody cares what you think
Mikasa: Shut up Eren
Riley: Ok seeing as you are both on good terms with each other it seems as if I don't need to do this dare
Eren: We are most certainly NOT on good terms with each other
Mikasa: First time I have agreed with him all week
Riley: Such a shame. Now I have to do the dare *extremely depressed look on face*
Eren: What is it?
Riley: I have been ordered to date you two to be friends again.
Mikasa: You can't just command people to make up
Riley: I know I can't but apparently I have to, even though I don't want to as it wrecks my plan but oh well I have other methods
Eren: Umm...
Riley: Anyways, you two need to at least try being friends again
Mikasa: Fine, I know I can try, but I'm not sure about someone here
Eren: Hey! I can try. In fact, I can try harder than you!
Mikasa: No. I can try harder than you because I'm better at everything than you, so I'm naturally going to be better at being nice than you
Eren: No you're not-
Riley: Guys! Civil, please
*both mutter in agreement*
Thank you. Now, I know that you can't just tell two people to make up and expect them to be able to do it. I understand that much. But please, for the sake of everyone here who has been or will be caught in one of your awkward arguments, just try
Mikasa: *sighs* Ok
Eren: Sure
Riley: Thank you. Now, if you would excuse me, I have some... planning to do *leaves*
Eren: That sounds seriously suspicious
Mikasa: Yeah, I wonder what she's up to

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