Bonus Chapter: Day 4 Dare

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All songs are irrelevant unless I state at the top of the chapter otherwise.

Krista: I really don't think this is a good idea
Ymir: You'll be fine. I'll protect you, don't worry
Riley: You guys shouldn't be concerned, if it gets to the point where someone is going to die, I can always use some darer magic to help you
Mikasa: Except you wouldn't actually help, would you?
Riley: Heh, probably not
Jean: Great, we are all gonna die
Connie: I never even got to do anything with my life!
Sasha: I never ate all those cookies T_T
Armin: I'm sure we will be okay, if we just have a plan and stick to it, I'm sure we can last half an hour
Levi: The plan is that I'm ditching you brats because I can survive by myself
Ymir: What, because you are so small that the titans don't realize you even exist?
Reiner: Ha that's so true!
Bertholdt: Come on guys...
Annie: I'm ditching you lot as well. I can cope just fine and you guys will just be a hinderance
Mikasa: Let's just get this over with
Connie: You mean get our lives over with?
Jean: Riley just open the gates
Riley: *opens gates*
Armin: Remember guys, stick together and think before you-
Eren: TITANS *charges off towards one*
Armin: -do
Mikasa: Eren come back! *chases after Eren*
Levi: For fucks sake *follows Eren and Mikasa*
Armin: Wait guys! Stay together! Don't leave me! *tries to catch up*
Eren: *has already become a titan and is killing anything that comes near him*
*Mikasa, Levi and Armin try to stay clear of Eren's rampage*

Annie: They are so screwed
*titans start to approach the group*
Krista: I don't want to die *about to cry*
Ymir: It's fine, I got this *smirks* Hey Sasha!
Sasha: Yeah?
Ymir: I heard that the last titan attack wiped out all the potato crops that were located inside Wall Maria
Sasha: You're lying. I don't believe you
Bertholdt: No, actually I heard that as well... Who did I hear that from
Reiner: Oh yeah! I was with you, we overheard Erwin talking to Hanji and Levi about it
Sasha: W-what? That can't be true
Krista: Which means there will be no more potatoes
Sasha: They just need to plant some more. It'll be fine
Connie: They can't, they don't have anything to grow them with. All of it was lost in the attack
Sasha: Connie you too?!
Connie: Sorry Sasha... I've know for ages I just didn't want to tell you because I was honestly afraid of how you'd take it
Sasha: *looks like she's about to cry*
Krista: The titans are getting closer!
Sasha: No they fucking aren't! *picks a piece of shattered glass from a broken window off the floor*
Ymir: Damn, calm down
Sasha: NEVER! *starts throwing pieces of glass at the titans' napes and somehow manages to kill them*
Reiner: Holy shit
Annie: I don't know how you did that. I think it's impossible
Bertholdt: It can't be! She just did it!
Krista: Riley how long has it been since we came out here?
Riley: *shouts from the wall* Umm, like 15 minutes?
Connie: You forgot to set the timer, didn't you?
Riley: Err, maybe?
Bertholdt: Just say we've got 15minutes left because I don't think I'll be able to handle any more than that

Hanji: Why would they leave me? It's supposed to be my week of fun commanding but they just ditch me for a dare! How could they?

*Back outside the walls*
*all the titans are away from them*
Mikasa: Eren! Calm the fuck down
Levi: For once I agree with your shitty sister!
Mikasa: At least you can see me over the grass Eren!
Armin: Guys, semi - unconsciously insulting each other won't help, we have to think rationally-
Eren: *roars and then collapses*
Mikasa: Eren! *runs to help him out of his titan form*
Levi: Tch. Finally *helps Mikasa and then picks Eren up*
*all go back over to the others*
Mikasa: *glaring at Levi*
Armin: *whispers to Mikasa* Don't start a fight, this isn't the place to do it
Mikasa: *glares at Armin who shuts up*
Krista: Hey! You guys are back!
Riley: 5 minutes left guys!
Bertholdt: We might actually have survived
Ymir: Yeah, because Sasha went mental on the titans for no reason
Sasha: What do you mean no reason?
Reiner: They were just potatoes
Levi: Oh, you lot finally told her about the potato crops being wiped out?
Annie: Yes. She didn't take it well. But it did mean she killed the titans that were about to eat us
Mikasa: How? She didn't have any weapons
Connie: She threw some glass at them and it was all magical because they actually died
Riley: Okay guys, times up, in you come! Congratulations on not dying!
*all inside*
Armin: Wait. Where's Jean?
Bertholdt: I- I don't know
Reiner: Who cares?
Krista: Reiner! Be nice
Levi: Is that him stood in the middle of those titans?
*all look to see Jean being ignored by titans*
Armin: Why aren't they trying to eat him?
Eren: Because he's a horse, duh, they only eat humans!
Levi: *drops Eren*
Mikasa: Eren!
Levi: When did you wake up?
Eren: *groans* Just as we were coming back through the walls
Connie: Umm guys, hate to break up the love triangle, but don't we need to go get Jean?
Ymir: Nah, let's just leave him. He's a horse so he can graze on grass and not get eaten by titans. He'll be fine
Krista: Ymir!-
Riley: Sure, fine by me *closes gate* He'll shout if he needs us
Jean: *shouting loudly for help outside the walls*
Sasha: Do you guys hear neighing?
Reiner: It's probably just your imagination

Woo! I'm back and that's a long chapter to celebrate. I have mock exams in a few days that are going on for 3 weeks, then it's Christmas so I doubt I'll update but who knows? Maybe it'll be a Christmas miracle!

- M xxx

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