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Riley: EVERYONE! Today we are gonna look a few of the well known 'ships' starting with one of the most popular; Ereri.
Eren: *blushes*
Levi: *blushes*
Ymir: Ereri?
Riley: Yes, and for those of you who don't know, Ereri is a ship containing Levi and Eren.
Hanji: Oh my god! Yes!
Armin: I totally ship it!
Hanji: Yes Armin!
*Hanji and Armin high five*
Jean: I ship it
Krista: Why? You don't like Eren and he looks like if he is with Levi, he will be happy.
Jean: If Ereri is a thing, that gets Eren out the picture so I can be with Mikasa.
Mikasa: Uh... That's not how it works
Jean: Well it's a start
Mikasa: Anyway, Eren. When was this taken?
Eren: Uh. Um. Ya know...
Levi: He doesn't have to answer to you
Mikasa: You know what Midget? You are absolutely right. He doesn't have to answer to me, but he is not allowed to lecture me on loyalty if I stand up for Jean again. *walks out*
Levi: I thought she'd never leave -
Eren: Mikasa wait, I'm sorry *runs after Mikasa*
Levi: *sighs*

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