Who will it be?

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Armin: What's up?
Riley: *whispers something to Armin*
Armin: ...I'm not sure I want to be involved with this
Eren: What did she say?
Armin: Uh...
Riley: Go on Armin
Jean: What is it?
Armin: No! I don't want to. I shouldn't have to be a jpart of this
Riley: Well you have no choice so go ahead and do it, otherwise you know the punishment
Armin: Fine! Fine! Mikasa
Mikasa: Mhmm?
Armin: *sighs* I dare you to kiss the person you love
Mikasa: W-what? *blushes*
Riley: You heard him. Do it
Mikasa: *still blushing* B-but I don't know who I like anymore
Jean: *thinks - at least she doesn't like Eren anymore*
Eren: *thinks - I thought she liked me...*
Riley: Hmm... *stares into Mikasa's eyes, reading her mind* Well, maybe you don't like anyone, yet, anyway. But the second you do, you complete the dare
Mikasa: *shaking from the mind reading* Y-yeah ok
Riley: Good. And thank you Armin, I know you really didn't wanna do that so I will reward you with a good dare later
Armin: Thanks *leaves*
Mikasa: *still shaking* *leaves*
Riley: What are you two still doing here?
*Eren and Jean still deep in thought*
Riley: Ugh, idiots *leaves*
Eren: She really doesn't like me anymore. At least not in that way
Jean: Haha, the game is on to win her heart now
Eren: Nah, you go ahead
Jean: What? You serious man?
Eren: Yeah, I think I'm starting to like someone else...
Jean: Who?
Eren: Ugh... Doesn't matter *quickly runs out*
Jean: Well then

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