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Riley: Ok... Let's try this version out. HANJI!
Hanji: Hey, what do you need? I'm in the middle of creating new ships
Riley: Well this is way more important
Hanji: I'm not sure that that is physically possible but take a shot
Riley: We need to turn all the girls into puppies
Hanji: OMG like with the kitten experiment?
Riley: Exactly
Hanji: Yes I will help, in fact you have no choice in the matter

A little while later

Annie: Grrr (Are you fucking kidding me?)
Mikasa: Woof! (Hanji!)
Hanji: Aren't they just adorable
Riley: They actually are. And that's very unusual for Annie
Annie: *death - puppy glare*
Krista: Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! (Random barking because she can)
Ymir: Bark! (Aww that's so cute Krista)
Annie: Bark! (No it's not, shut up Krista)
Krista: *whimpers*
Ymir: Grrr (Leave her alone bitch)
Sasha: *jumps on Mikasa and starts biting her ear*
Mikasa: Woof! (What the hell Sasha) *shakes Sasha off*
Riley: Haha oh dear. Sasha I was kidding. Well not really. Some people do eat dogs but you can't when you are one. That is just wrong. But so is eating dogs. I hate the idea of hurting any animal, even for food
*Sasha looks sad*
Anyway, let's go find the bo-
Levi: Why the fuck do I hear barking? What did you do this time brat?
Riley: Technically I did nothing, except give Hanji an idea to buy puppies...
Levi: *glares* Well I'm going to report this to Erwin this instance *leaves*
Riley: BOYS!
Connie: Sup
Reiner: Cool, so you decided to get us in trouble with you?
Riley: Yeah, like a team bonding session where we all get into trouble
Bert: Oh no...
Eren: Does Levi know yet?
Hanji: Of course he does!
Did you not see him storm off down the corridor to report this Erwin?
Armin: We are in so much trouble
Jean: Nah, we'll be fine
Bert: N-no, I really don't want to get in t-trouble *leaves*
Riley: That kinda helps things as now there is one puppy for all of you!
Eren: So basically, you bought puppies...
Armin: Made Levi aware and report to Erwin...
Jean: Are giving us the puppies...
Reiner: So that we get in trouble and not you?
Hanji and Riley: Exactly
Connie: Cool. Sounds like a plan
Riley: Let me just hand them out *hands the boys one dog each*
Eren: *has Ymir*
Armin: *has Annie*
Jean: *has Mikasa*
Connie: *has Sasha*
Reiner: *has Krista*
Riley: There we go
Hanji: Food is in the kitchen for them and we will see how many are still alive in a week!

-----Authors Note-----

Hey, I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in a really long time and I don't actually have an excuse except for that I didn't know what to write about so I'm really sorry.

I hope to update the second part later tonight after netball if I have time. If I don't, it should definitely be up by the end of tomorrow

- M xxx

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