The Response

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Riley: ...TO EVERYONE!

Annie: Wow... That was... Angry
Jean: And somewhat offensive
Armin: Nah, it wasn't that bad
Ymir: I agree with Armin, I mean come on, half of you are actually very slug like
Krista: Ymir!
Reiner: She has a point Krista
Eren: Yeah, Jean is a bit of a slug
Mikasa: Eren.
Eren: Oh, you're right Mikasa, Jean isn't a bit of a slug, he's a lot of a slug
Jean: No! Stop that! I'm either a horse or a slug. It's bad enough being one but both is just awful! So no! You will not
Ymir: And you wonder why we call you a slug!
Bertholdt: For the record, I don't need to gain more confidence!
Sasha: You sure about that?
Bertholdt: Yea-! Maybe... No... *tries not to cri*
Connie: I have enough hair thank you very much
Hanji: No you don't Connie!
Connie: I do, and even if I don't, at least I didn't get an essay like someone *looks at levi*
*everyone looks at levi*
Levi: *poker face* Tch, shitty brat and her stupid opinions
Krista: No offense, but Riley was kinda spot on about you there Levi
Reiner: True dat
Eren: I gotta disagree...

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