4: Untrustworthy

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Joey POV

I walked through the doors as Ingrid came up to me.

"Hey gurl, what's your?" I ask as she hides her blush and then whispers in my ear.

"Daniel is looking for you, something about a kiss." She whispered then runs off. I stand there dumbfounded and then I turn and walk towards my first period class.

I turn another corner and I ram right into Daniel.

"Ow." I say as I fall to the ground. Daniel pulls me up and dusts me off. I feel a blush creep up on my cheeks.

"Thanks." I say but before I could leave Daniel grabs my arm and then pulls me to the janitors closest and looks deep into my eyes.

"Why do you hang out with me after school yeah?" He asked, his voice husky and seductive. I gulp and nod. He smirks and slips a piece of paper down the front of my skinnies. I gasp and he leaves, leasing me feeling somewhat aroused.

By the time lunch rolled around I couldn't even think straight anymore. All I had on my mind was Daniel. I need help, badly. Speak of the devil! Daniel swaggers in with his his group of jocks and he just winks at me while the others throw garbage at me. I roll my eyes and sit down beside Meghan, David and Cat.

"I'm hanging out with Daniel tonight." I said. David started chocking on the apple he was eating.

"Are you fucking crazy!?" He gasped out.

"He'll kill you." Cat added in. I just sighed and decided to ignore them.

I was last period and I had Chemistry with Daniel. Yay. I walk in to find Daniel all ready to go. I put on my glasses and apron and then walk over to him.

"Soooooooo." I say. He looks at me and winks before turning back to the task at hand. Great. Another fuckboy for me to deal with.

The Nerd and the Jock [J.D. AU] - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now