24: Fear

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Joey POV

I was in class the next day, my foot tapping against the floor. I found out that Katrina had class with me. Katrina was gently rubbing my arm in reassurance letting me know that the upcoming drill will be fine. I've always had the fear of someone breaking into the classroom and killing us during a Lock-Down.

"It'll be fine Joey, just trust me." She said. I jumped when I heard a knock on the door. The teacher opened the door and Daniel stood there in the doorway. The teacher nodded at him and he walked over to me and kissed my lips quickly.

"It'll be fine sweetie, I'll be right here to protect you." He told me. I clutched the front of his shirt and hid slightly. I was beyond shaking now. I was literally vibrating in my chair. Daniel ran his hand through my hair, shushing me. I smiled and then cuddled into his chest even more.

"Attention all staff and students, we are now going to initiate a practice Lock-Down. This is only a practice. Teachers please use your status cards." The intercom sounded. I started breathing heavily and then everything went black.

The Nerd and the Jock [J.D. AU] - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now