22: 10 Minutes

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Joey POV

I walked back into my English class and placed the green card back in the folder on the wall as the teacher, Mr. Stevens, turned the lights back on. He then motioned everyone to sit down.

"Ok everyone, good job on the evacuation drill, now just as a heads up, we have a practice Lock-Down drill tomorrow as part of our school safety week. So I expect you all to behave." He said sternly. My heart stopped when I hear "Lock-Down." I always hated them, I got nervous whenever they were mentioned.

"Now, since we only have a couple minutes left, you may pack up and wait by the door." Mr. Stevens said as the sound of binders zipping shut and chattering students filled the room. I look over to see, once again, Ricky and Connor making out.

"Ok break it up lovebirds." Mr. Stevens said. I giggled. Mr. Stevens was one of those cool teachers. He's 25 with tattoo sleeves and gives off that skater, bad boy look. He himself was gay so homoerotics in the school or around the community don't bother him. I however had the unfortunate experience of walking by his house while he was riding his boyfriend in the living room. Let me tell you, it was not very pleasing. However it was slightly arousing.

Once the bell rang, we rush out of class to our lockers. When I opened my locker, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my body.

"Hey Jojo, what are you up to?" I heard the soothing voice of Daniel say in my ear.

"Put shit away and pulling more shit out." I told him. He just giggled and then smacked my butt right in the hallway, making sure to give it s slight squeeze.

"You look extremely sexy today babe." He whispers in my ear. I knew what was going on as soon as he said that.

"Locker room, 10 minutes." I whisper out as I peck his lips and race towards the cafeteria to quickly get my lunch.

The Nerd and the Jock [J.D. AU] - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now