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Virgo: Let's go on an adventure! Life has been so boring! Come on!😝
Libra: I'm in!
Aquarius: me! Me! ME!!!!
Cancer: Um..... W-what if..a... m-m-Murder comes!😱
Sagi: Sheesh Cancer! No need ta be so protective!
Pisces: Don't worry Cancer! If there is a murder, I'll kill it with my knife!🔪
Scorpio: Don't trust Pisces. He'll probably end up stabbing his own eye. Don't worry. I'll protect you. If anyone *glares at everyone, especially Pisces* harms Cancer, I'll sink my fangs into their neck and tear them to shreds.😈
Capricorn: Nice!
Gemini: That...Is....Just....Gross....
Taurus: Hmmm I wonder how humans taste....😐
Leo: No Tartar. Don't even try...
Aries: Well you guys have fun! I'm out! I have a war to attend
Gemini: Awww but it won't be fun without you!
Capricorn: Yes 'It won't be fun without a crazy lunatic that's trying to kill everyone'.
Leo: Whoah! I actually like that!
Virgo: Aries, your coming. End of story.
Aries: B-But u have to attend World War 792! 😶
<Aries gets dragged away by Gemini>
Libra: Let's all pack up right now and meet up back here in exactly 1 hour!
Aquarius: C'mon Libi! That's barely enough time to find a new outfit!😥
Taurus: How am I ever suppose to pack up all the food in 1 hour! I need a day!
<Everyone already ditched Aqua and Tar>

<1 hour later>

Libra: Let's see.. 1 zodiac... 2 zodiacs..... 3 zodiacs..... ------- 11 zodiacs...... OMG WHERE IS CANCER!😱
Aquarius: She has a pet dragon?!
Leo: Don't be so gullible Aqua.😑
Capricorn: Sagi, your acting like a Cancer. Seriously, one Cancer is enough for the world.
Virgo: Let's check out what stuff we brought!

✨Stuff the Zodiacs brought✨
Aries- Boxing gloves, A Gun*don't ask*, Helmet, A Cannon, A Bull🔫🐗
Taurus- Food. Yup. That's it.🍕🍔🍖🍟
Gemini- TEDDY BEAR!, Clothes, Water, Food, Nightlight🐻👗💦🍉
Cancer- ?????
Leo- Cerberus the guard dog of Hell *to guard Aries*🐶
Virgo- A plane, servants✈️
Libra- Her house, A Pink Fluffy Unicorn🏡
Scorpio- Nothing
Sagi- A bird whistle, Clothes, A pillow, Granola bars, A rope, Climbing gear🎋
Capricorn- iPhone, Earbuds, Earplugs📱🎧
Aquarius- Her pet Mermaid Mira🐬
Pisces- Money, Water, Snacks, Clothes, Other Stuff💰

<One hour later>

Gemini: Where is Cancer! She should be here hours ago!
*Leo and Aqua are snoozing* 💤
<Cancer finally arrives>
Sagi: Cancer! Your finally here! What took ya so long?!

Cancer: W-well....*pant* ..... You see..... *pant*......
To make a long story short:
I wanted to pack my pillow except my pillow exploded yesterday
I wanted to pack water except I couldn't find any
I wanted to pack food except food might be poisonous
I wanted to pack a first aid kit but I already used my first aid kit on the bull
I wanted to pack my clothes but mommy washed them all
I wanted to pack my mommy except she won't let me
I wanted to pack my emergency life but mommy said I won't need it!
That's it I think----

Aquarius: Whoah! You have an emergency life! Holy cows!🐮
Taurus: I don't believe in holy cows. Holy Bulls.🐗
Capricorn: So Can... Did you pack anything?
Cancer: *cry* No! I couldn't! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Virgo: Guys! Our plane is waiting for us!✈️✈️✈️
Leo: P-P-P-p-p-plane?!
Virgo: Yup! We're flying!🌀
Leo: *throws up in a corner*
Aquarius: Leo, you ok?
Leo: *gag* I-I'm fine!
Scorpio: Haha
Virgo: Then let's go!

<On the plane>

Capricorn: Vi, you bought a plane. What about the pilot?
Virgo: Whoops, I forgot...😢
Gemini: Wow Aries, I never knew you watch The Hunger Games...
Taurus: HUNGER! That's...HORRIBLE!😱
Aries: Da Hunger whaaaaaa
Gemini: Never mind😐
Virgo: Since Aries is the only one who wanted to be the pilot, then he shall be it.
Libra: You actually TRUST him?!
Virgo: Huh, it's not as if he's gonna crash us somewhere
Scorpio: Goodbye world.

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