Kitty Halloween

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Dear Libi.... Calm down.... The ranting session is over....
Yes, sorry for my...Erm.... Weird behaviour... Now before I go back to ranting and raging I'm gonna publish this story that I had in minddddd since last Halloween.... 😅
It's sortaaaaa happened in real life........ Like half half..... Like I did dress up as a cheetah..... Erm....
Ehehehehe well enjoy.... I guess.....

<Gemini's POV>

"MEOWWWWW!!!!!" I jumped back, frightened by the horrific creature in front of me.

The creature laughed, "I don't look THAT scaryyyyy!!! Calm down GemiCat!"

I swished my tail and clawed Capricorn, "SHUT UP! And don't call me GemiCat!!! I'm a CHEETAHHHHHHHH!!!! AND WHAT DA HECK ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE?!?!"

Capricorn hit me with the back of her plastic scythe, "Yourrrrrr worstttttt enemyyyyyyyy...... Woooooooooo!!!!"

Before walking into the classroom I stuck out my tongue, "The only enemy I have is the stupid Lego brick my brother left in my shoes as a prank. IT HURTSSSS SOOO BAD!!!!"

Capricorn looked unpleased, "I'm NOT dressed up as a Lego brick. Yeesshhhh.... I'm a weird grim reaper... Can't you tell?"

"Nah, you look like that all the time."


School went by pretty quickly, and pretty much all we did was watch scary movies and sing stupid Halloween songs in French. And figure out how many ghosts would be left if a ghost buster came captured 7/29 out of 3947 ghosts. And I'm still trying to figure out how can there be 0.9273 of a ghost.

And finally, after all the painful ghost busting work, it's the Halloween party!!!

"GemiCat!!! Wait upppppp!!!!" Capricorn laughed and pulled my tail.

"NYAAAAA!!!" I shrieked in surprise and glared at Capricorn who was laughing her head off. Literally.

I quickly stopped fighting with Capricorn just in time as my crush Aries walked by.

"Hey Gemini! What's up with that scream? Sounded like a drowning cat" Aries teased me playfully.

I blushed and fiddled with my skirt nervously, "I'm a cheetah!!! And Capricorn tried to kill me! Yeesh, I've already died 7 times today! And I was hoping to keep an extra life to go skydiving with!"

Aires laughed so hard he nearly fell over, "Yeah, and I can already imagine the headlines 'Girl dies from Skydiving without Parachute thinking she has 9 lives'"

I felt my cheeks slowly redden from embarrassment but I started giggling as well, "Well if I die, I'm taking you with me!"

Aries slowly backed away, "Heyyy!!! I'm just a poor Prince waiting for my Princess to return" Aries chuckled as if he thought of something very funny.

"But I'm right here...." I whispered before quickly putting my hands up to my mouth.

"Huh? What did you say" Aries asked curiously.

"NOTHING!" I screamed and ran to hide behind the vending machine in embarrassment.

I peeked from the side of the vending machine and saw a veryyyyyy confused Aries standing there. That's when I realized how cool he looked in his prince costume, a white and red armour and a long black cape hanging down from his shoulders.
I also realized that Aries was walking towards me and I realllyyyyy need to find an escape route right now!

"KYAAAAA!!!!" I screamed as someone tugged on my tail and tasered me from behind. I crashed into Aries and we both fell down.

"Owwww...." I rubbed my head before jumping up and glaring at the giggling grim reaper behind me.

I went to check Aries' pulse in case he died when he got up and grinned at me, "Sooo there goes your 8th life. Guess you can't go skydiving!"

I smiled, glad he didn't die. Otherwise I would just.... I shouldn't think that far....

"Meh, that really sucks! Guess I can't take you with me!" I said awkwardly.

Aries stood up, "My legs suddenly feel very weak... Hopefully I wouldn't faint before meeting my Princess..."

I started blushed like crazy again, covering my red cheeks by pretending to cough.

"Well.....Erm.... Any way I can make it up to you?" I asked quietly.

Aries held out his hand, "Wanna dance?"

I look shocked as he dragged me to the gym, where the Halloween dance took place.

"Welcome back, Cat Princess...."

I trying to calm down by writing storied non-related to 😒😒😒....
But either ways I'm still gonna publish the story about 😒 once I'm done editing...

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