Forgive Me....

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Yeah...... I honestly don't like writing these types of chapters.....

But I promise there'll be a short story near the end!

I honestly wish I could go back to writing, chatting with everyone, and just enjoying myself on Wattpad....

It's been a long time.... And I know, the last time I said I was gonna go back to writing I couldn't....

If you've been waiting for a long time, I'm really sorry....

A lot has been going on at school, and it's becoming quite tough...

I've been losing a lot of sleep, and trying to keep up with courses I still don't understand.... It's difficult...

Normally I like to write before I sleep, since I get the MOST inspiration RIGHT BEFORE I SLEEP...... THANKS BRAIN.....

And usually after I get my ideas down, I could sleep and enjoy lifeeeee.....

Except now my sleep schedule got pushed back like 3 hours.... =.=

And I'm dead tired every morning....

At a certain point, I think my tiredness led to depression then anxiety.... I'm really not sure...

Then during those times, I decided to take away everything non related to school in order to focus more

Eventually I completely left Wattpad...

And I honestly regret it....

I couldn't write anymore..... Otherwise I could bid this thing called "Sleep" farewell....

Today, I have a lot of tests coming up, and I'm not even sure what to do...

I got tired of studying and decided to wander around the online worldddddd..... And found my Wattpad profile again...

I thought, ".......wait what have I done......"

"If I go on again would anyone care though?...."

"Can I still write?......"

I spoke to my parents about this before, and they encouraged me to continue writing, even if it meant restarting everything...., just enjoy it

I tried logging onto my account MANY TIMES.....



And when I logged on again...., after such a long time....

I read through a lot of comments you guys left for me...

And I was really touched by everything...

And eventually I felt guilt, I wish I didn't give up my hobbies and interests....

I miss everyone...

A lot....

I miss the Wattpad community....

But for the longest time I wasn't sure if I went back on...

Would anyone bother.....

Would anyone still read what I have....

But I think now....

I came to a conclusion that...

It doesn't really matter....

Writing is my hobby, and I enjoy writing a lot...

What I finally have to say is....

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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