Chapter 3

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April 22nd 6:45pm

"Do you have everything?" My dad asked me as we packed the cab. We had to bring enough stuff for 2 months even if I was only there a day.

"Yeah. I think so." I sighed. Kyle hugged me and I kissed his head.

"I'm gonna miss you." He whispered.

"I'll miss you too." I hugged him tighter. He let go and hugged my mom. I walked over to my dad.

"My little girl is going to LA to be on a TV show." He sighed. I weakly smiled and hugged him.

"I'm really gonna miss you daddy." I cried.

"I'll miss you too pumpkin. Just be yourself and you'll win. Show everyone the amazing dancer you are. Show them The fun personality you have. Show them you can be Abby's Ultimate Dancer." He smiled. I kissed his cheek and walked towards the cab.

"MADISON!" A voice I knew all to well yelled from behind me.

"Riley!" I yelled when I saw her running up my street. I met her halfway and hugged her so tight.

"I couldn't let you leave without giving you this." She said catching her breath and handing me a bracelet. I looked at it and almost started crying. It was a friendship bracelet we had made when we were 6. We had both lost them, because we were like 7 when we lost them. It was an exact copy of the bracelet.

"You're gonna win. Go out there and kill it girl." She hugged me. I kissed her cheek. "Love you girl."

"Love you too." I sniffled. I walked back to the cab and got in. I waved to her as we left my neighborhood. I slumped into my seat and pulled out my phone. I had 3 unread messages.

Kyle🙈: miss you lots tater tot
Riles🌸💞: love you girl. You do amazing. Bracelet power.
Nick🐸: break a leg. And break others dreams by winning the show.

To Kyle🙈: miss u 2 bud
To Riles🌸💞: bracelet power💖
To Nick🐸: ok I'll break a leg. And I'll try to win. But can we not word it like that?

I put my phone away and we reached the airport. We got out of the cab, tipped the driver, got our bags, and went inside. We quickly got our boarding passes but it took about a half hour for security.

"Okay so we have first class seats on flight 249, gate 45." Mom read off the ticket. We headed towards gate 45 with little time to spare. When we reached our gate, I left my stuff with my mom and headed towards the bathroom. I quickly went, and swapped spots with her. She came back and they called our flight number.

"Fist class for flight 249 to Los Angles, now boarding." A woman said into the overhead. We picked up our stuff and walked over to the boarding area. I handed the lady my boarding pass and she checked it off and sent me in. We found our seats and put away our carry-ons. We sat down and I checked my phone. 2 unread messages.

Riles🌸💞: schools gonna be so different without you on Monday!
Nick🐸: word it whatever way you want. You're gonna win.

To Riles🌸💞: um life is gonna be so different without you! On the plane. Bye😭💞
To Nick🐸: thanks. I'm on the plane. Bye😭❤️

I opened snapchat and took a selfie with mom and wrote 'off to LA with mama bear❤️🐻' and hit add to story. I turned my phone onto airplane mode and played my music. I put my head back and started to fall asleep as the plane took off.

I woke up when we were somewhere in Oklahoma. I looked over and saw my mom was sound asleep. I saw a lady with a snack and drink cart come down the aisle.

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