Chapter 29

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The next morning, I'm the first one at breakfast. I grab a fruit cup and head to my table. As I walked towards it, I remember the first day where Zack and I got into a fruit fight, and every pep talk we gave each other. I smiled and sat down as Jordyn walked in. She grabbed a smoothie and sat down next to me.

"I love this table." I said when she sat down.

"What?" She laughed, opening her lid.

"I do! It's how we all became friends because we sat here." I explained.


"Okay and Zack, but that's besides the point!" I said quickly.

"No, I love it too. You let me sit her with you the first day, when everyone else wanted to me to sit with Asia and Lexine. You were my first true friend." She leaned her head on my arm and I rested my head on hers.

"Coreen, why didn't you stand up for me when everyone wanted me to sit with Asia!" Kelly mocked us. We all laughed and the rest of the girls filed in. A chorus of groggy "good mornings" was heard as Hadley sat down next to me.

"Hey, how ya doing today?" I whispered to her. She shrugged.

"I've moved passed the tears, now I'm just straight up nervous."

"Don't be! You're the best goth Tinkerbell I know!"

Since most numbers had props and set pieces today, they held a company rehearsal on stage before we went to the dressing rooms. We started with the group, which went slightly better than yesterday. Asia was no longer a beat behind, but her technique was all sorts of crazy. The real highlight was that none of the mothers said anything. Amanda and I ran our duet, and were dismissed to go change.

"Mandy, how are you doing your hair?" I asked her from across the room, as I put my hair up in a bun.

"Tight bun for both.

"So that's not what I should do?" I laughed taking down my hair.

"Sorry!" She shrugged.

"No it makes sense. Snow White is flowy." I said grabbing a curling iron. Jordyn walked in and started putting her hair in a bun.

"How do you feel about your solo J?" I asked her.

"I don't know. It's contemporary, so it's a challenge. I hope I point my feet and don't get too caught up in it, and end up going home." She admitted.

"There's no way you will. Richie LOVES you!" Amanda reminded her.

"Wish I could relate, wow!" I laughed.

"You don't think he likes you?" Jordyn asked.

"I don't think so. He's the only one who's consistently given me negative feedback. Which, I know is how you grow, but it doesn't feel like I'm growing."

"Feels like your shrinking?" Amanda asked, relating to my situation.

"Exactly." I nodded in agreement.

"Don't feel that way. You two are literally the best dancers here and I don't understand how the judges don't see that. Everyone else does." Jordyn tried to inspire us.

"Well thank you. Now if you could just run down and let Abby know that, I'd really appreciate it." I laughed and Hadley walked in. I flipped between a thumbs up and a thumbs down and she gave me a "So-so" sign. I nodded and started my makeup. Asia and Brianna eventually wandered in and started prepping, and the moms were all out doing interviews.

"Friday nights are the lights are low, looking out for a place to go." Jordyn quietly sang to herself.

"Where they play the right music, getting in the swing, you come to look for a king." I joined her and she smiled at me. "Anybody could be that guy, night is young and the music's,"

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