Chapter 21

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7:05 am Madison's room

"Is it too late now to say so-" I shut off my alarm. I swung my legs over the bed and grabbed a black leotard and footless tights. I quickly changed and brushed my teeth. I put my hair in a ballerina bun and slipped on booty shorts and my Nike jacket.

"Morning Momma!" I greeted walking into the living area. "Hi daddy!" I waved, noticing she was on FaceTime.

"Hey pumpkin! I'm so proud of you!" He waved back.

"Thank you! How's Kyle and M?" I asked.

"They're doing alright. M is signing up today for student exchange again, and Kyle's already at school.

"Again? But I haven't even gotten to see her yet!" I whined.

"She won't be leaving until next school year Madison. And I haven't seen her either, so hush." My mom joked with me. I stuck my tongue out at her playfully as I heard a door outside open.

"Mom! I'm meeting Zack outside!" I said on my way out.

"Okay! Be out in a minute!" She called after me as I shut the door. Zack stepped out and wrapped me in a hug.

"Hey." He smiled at me. I smiled back up at him.

"Hi." I grabbed his hand and adjusted my backpack strap as our mothers stepped out. They greeted each other and we all headed to the elevator.

"Good morning everyone!" Richard greeted us at our car.

"Good morning!" Zack and I smiled towards him. We all climbed into the cars and we were off. My phone buzzed about 5 minutes into the car ride.

Dad👨🏻: you'll do great today sweetie
Madison🌟: thanks daddy

"I miss the boys and M too." Mom weakly smiled at me. I could see her eyes glossing up a little. It's been almost a month since we had seen them, and we haven't seen Mariah in about 7 months.

"Aw mom." I leaned over and hugged her. She tried to let out a laugh, then wiped the corner of her eyes.

"I'm fine. I knew it was gonna be hard when we signed up for this. Don't you worry about me honey. Just focus on having fun and dancing." She patted my hand. I nodded as we pulled into the parking lot. I hopped out the car and put on my backpack.

"Madison!!" Hadley screamed across the parking lot.

"Hadley!!" I yelled back.

"Hi!" She laughed. I laughed along and we skipped over to Zack's car, where he was talking to his mom.

"Mom, I'm fine. I promise that I won't pay attention to what they say." He was saying when we reached him. Gina moved her head, motioning that we were behind him.

"Won't pay attention to who?" I asked Zack. He said and turned around.

"Nothing. Just somethings a few kids at school are saying. Don't worry about it." He clearly lied, and grabbed my hand.

"Tell me what they said." I crossed my arms. He reached for my hand again. "Tell me." I demanded once again.

"I'll meet up with you guys later." Hadley excused herself and walked inside.

Zack sighed and looked at the ground. "Just that a neighbor who's been my best friend for a long time, she thinks that you're dating me to get in my head and get me eliminated, and put it online and people are believing her." Zack admitted. My facial expression softened.

"Zack, that is not true, on any level. I really like you, and don't want you to get eliminated at all. Please believe me." I uncrossed my arms and looked him right in the eyes.

"Of course I believe you. I knew she was just jealous because she told me before we left that she liked me. I just didn't want you to worry about any of this." He grabbed my hand and I smiled. We walked inside and joined everyone for breakfast. We sat down and started eating. After a few minutes Jeff came in and said we all needed to head over to the practice room for the group challenge.

We all walked in and got in our positions as Abby walked down the stairs.

"This weeks theme is the big apple. I was to see you all do something that's out of your comfort zone and different. So this weeks challenge is just like New York shows, diversity." We all took a deep breath and nodded. Kevin explained that there will be a live pianist during our challenge. We started learning the choreography after they left.

Joyce gave us a break and my mom called me over.

"Madison, you need to focus. Your focus is on something else, and you promised it wouldn't be." She hinted. I sighed took a sip of my water.

"Okay fine." I walked away. Zack came over and we started just talking about this weeks competition with everyone. Joyce called us back over and we ran the combination a few more times until Abby walked in.

"Okay time's up. I need numbers 3,5,2 downstage and everyone else spread out upstage." We followed directions and Zack, Hadley, and Brianna headed up. Asia and Jordyn were the first eliminated from the challenge. Soon it was down to me, Zack, Brianna, and Amanda. In the end, Amanda won against Zack.

"The prize is a lyrical solo at the competition this week. You better shine this week." Abby looked her in the eyes and walked out. We ran to find out assignments.

Runaway: Lyrical Solo: Amanda Choreographer: Ricky Palomino Subway experience: Hip hop trio: Zack Brianna Elisabeth Choreographer: Anthony Burrell
Cabaret: Jazz trio: Madison Lexine Asia Choreographer: Anthony Burrell
Vaudeville: Musical Theatre duet: Hadley Jordyn Choreographer: Joyce Chittick

Solo and Trio 1 rehearsal 9:30-11:30
Trio 2 and duet rehearsal 11:35-1:35
Lunch 1:40-2:10
School 2:15-3:15
Group Dance Rehearsal 3:20-5:20
Solo and Trio 1 rehearsal 5:25-7:25
Trio 2 and Duet rehearsal 7:25-9:25
Dismissed at 9:30

"Awesome! We have a duet!" Jordyn and Hadley shared a high five. Everyone was smiling and laughing as I looked at the wall. My mom walked over to me.

"I know you're upset about being with the youngest ones, but it is what it is. You'll own it no matter what." She assured me.

I weakly smiled and responded with a simple "Okay."

Let's get this day started.

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