Chapter 38

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"He said let's get out of this town-" I shut off Taylor Swifts hit and swung my legs over the bed. I grabbed a green dance top and black booty shorts and quickly changed. I put on a pair of denim shorts and a tee shirt over the outfit. I looked at myself in the mirror.

"You got this. Just show your emotion. You're not a robot." I said to myself in the mirror. I nodded to myself in the mirror and headed to meet my mom. She was talking to someone on the phone and gave me a small smile.

"Yes. Alright, thank you Jeff. See you soon." She hung up. I gave her a puzzled look. "He was just calling to give me the run down for tomorrow." She explained, grabbing my bag and handing it to me. We walked outside and saw Zack talking to Jordyn and their mothers chatting by the elevators. Jordyn and Zack glanced and me, then back at each other and ran to me. Jordyn ran and jumped into my arms.

"HA! Beat you to her!" She laughed and Zack rolled his eyes. I laughed along and set her down.

"I missed hearing that laugh everyday." Zack wrapped his arms around me, enveloping me in a hug. I blushed and kissed his cheek. We laced our fingers together and I draped my arm over Jordyn's shoulders, and we headed to the elevator. The doors opened, and we all stepped in. We got in our cars and drove to the theatre. We walked in and headed to breakfast.

"Hey guys!" Brianna smiled and waved to us from her table. I returned the smile and we got our food. I sat down next to her and we all quickly ate.

"Good morning everyone!" Jeff walked in. "Here's the rundown for the day for our finalists. First we'll have solo rehearsals, then the trio, then the group, then lunch, then trio, group, solos, then dinner, then a dress rehearsal on the stage. After that, the finalists will have their mentor sessions." He explained. I saw mom writing this down. He dismissed us and we headed to our assigned areas.

"Hey Madison!" Ricky gave me a hug when I reached him on the stage. He set up my music as I stretched. We rehearsed for about an hour and a half then he gave me a water break.

"Dad says your grandparents are on the way the airport right now.

"Yay!" I smiled capping my water. "I can't wait to see them."

"Me too. I've missed all of them so much." She said locking her phone. I gave her a hug and ran back up to the stage.

"Alright, from the top?" Ricky played my music and I performed. "Okay, okay..." his voice trailed off as he hopped onto the stage to join me. "I just don't know why you're holding back and why you're scared."

"I'm just really nervous. This solo is all that stands between me and studying at the best dance school in like the world."

"Which is why you need to give it everything you have and not hold back. We have one more chance to actually work on this before you get judged on this. Go to the rest of your rehearsals, and I'll see you later." Ricky hugged me goodbye and I headed to the rehearsal hall.

"Asia are you lost?" Molly asked. Asia nodded and Molly started going over the routine again. Brianna looked at me and we both rolled our eyes. Molly gave us a break.

"She can't pick it up." Brianna whispered.

"I know. It's annoying. We should be cleaning it by now, not reviewing it." I agreed, in the same hushed tone. Our mothers did agree, just not as quietly, quickly causing an argument, which was just as quickly shut down.

The moms stopped arguing and we finally finished the trio. We headed to group rehearsal, which was the only successful rehearsal of the day.

"Okay let's take it from the top, then you can go to lunch!" Molly said, starting the music. We ran the dance and headed to lunch.

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