Chapter 16

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10:30pm Leaving Green room.

"Madison, you almost ready?" My mom asked me.

"Yeah give me like 5 minutes?" I asked.

"Okay." She agreed. I walked back to my friends.

"I gotta go. Bye guys." I hugged the girls. I went to Zack and he pulled me down onto his lap.

"I don't want you to go." He whined as he wrapped his arms around me.

"But I'm tired." I laughed.

"But I'll be bored without you." He whined.

"Zack! We gotta go." Gina called for him.

"Let's go Madison." He laughed. I got off his lap and he grabbed my hand. Elisabeth glared at me the whole time. I let go of Zack's hand and walked a little faster to my mom.

"What's wrong?" She whisper asked me. I shook my head and grabbed my bag. I headed out to the car and mom followed.

"Finally." I sighed closing the car door.

"What's up with you?" Mom asked me.

"Elisabeth is super mad that I'm dating Zack. And she keeps glaring at me and like hugging Zack and it's weird." I explained taking out my phone.

"So she's jealous?" Mark asked.

"Uh yeah." I half laughed. Mark chuckled and continued to drive.

"Don't let her get to you sweetie. He asked you out over her anyways." My mom shrugged. I nodded. We pulled up into the hotel a few minutes later and I got out.

"Thanks Mark!" I thanked as I shut the car door. I grabbed my dance bag from the trunk and Zack's car pulled up from behind. I felt him wrap me in a hug from behind.

"Hi baby." He kissed my cheek. I weakly smiled and turned around.

"Hi." I said.

"I don't like Elisabeth. Just tell her to back off when she glares at you. I don't like her. I love you-" he stopped. My mouth dropped open. "Well if you don't love me back, then forget I said that. Cause I'm cool." He stammered. I stood there in shock. "It's fine. I get it." He held back tears. He ran upstairs.

"Zack wait!" I called after him. I ran upstairs following him. I reached his room and knocked on his door. "Please open your door." I begged. Nothing. I walked to my room and threw myself onto my bed. I started to cry. This is like your 3rd time crying over him. Except it's your fault this time. Do you love him? Or do you just like him? I drifted off to sleep all these through a going through my head.

7:30am Madison's room

"There's this movie that I wanna see a tragic story starring-" I turned off 5SOS beautiful voices. I dragged myself out of bed. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth. I put on a pink crop and black booty shorts. I put my hair in a bun and put on my toms.

"Good Morning sweetie." My mom greeted me as I walked into the main area.

"Hi." I sighed.

"Smile. You made it again. And that's more important than other things right now." My mom hugged me.

"But it's not right now. Right now, I need to talk to Zack." I said grabbing my phone.

"I'll meet you downstairs." My mom said, unplugging her phone. I nodded and walked out the door. I scanned up and down the hallway. It was bare. I sighed and walked to the elevator. I heard a door close. I looked back and saw Zack and Gina.

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