Chapter 34

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The next morning, I wasn't really sure how to dress. If I have ballet and hip hop today, what should I wear? I eventually decided on a basic black leotard and packed in my bag some hip hop pants, high tops, ballet shoes, and my jazz shoes. I quickly slipped into some sweat pants and a windbreaker and walked into the main room.

"Hey momma." I kissed her cheek.

"Good morning!"

"Did you already talk to dad?" I asked her, hoping she hadn't.

"Nope, I was waiting for you so you could tell him the news." She smiled, opening her laptop. She clicked on his contact and the computer rang. I waited about two rings before he answered.

"Hey, I didn't think you were gonna call!" He answered happily.

"Hey dad!" I waved to him and he gave me a warm smile.

"Hey pumpkin! How's the show going?" He asked me as he set his laptop down, shaking the screen.

"Well, last night we had the performance to see who gets to the finals, and..." I trailed off, and my mom poked me "I made it!!" I squealed and he was clearly very excited. He started cheering and screaming for Kyle and Mariah to come downstairs and I laughed.

"Madison that's so amazing! I'm so proud of you!" He beamed as Kyle walked in.

"Did she make it?!" He asked hopefully.

"Yeah!" I interjected and Kyle's jaw dropped and he and dad hugged. I continued to laugh and mom had that classic proud mom look on her face. Mariah walked in, yawning and still in pajamas.

"Why are we screaming?" She groaned.

"Because Madison made it to the finals!!!" Kyle screamed at her and she immediately gained her energy.

"No way! Girl, I'm so proud of you!!" She shrieked and I thanked her.

"Okay so, the competition is the twenty third so I have dance classes until the nineteenth and then it's all rehearsals." I explained to them and my dad wrote something down.

"We'll be there. I'll buy the plane tickets today." He continued to beam.

"Really?" I gasped.

"Without a doubt kiddo." He winked and I wanted to hug him so badly.

"Alright, while I love this quality family time, someone has to get to dance class." My mom finally spoke up.

"Mads, I'm so proud of you. Riley and Nick say hi." Mariah gave me a small smile.

"Tell them I miss them, but don't tell them about the finals." I requested to her. She nodded and left, probably to go back to sleep. "Good luck at your hockey finals." I blew Kyle a kiss.

"It's not nearly as exciting as what you're doing." He said bashfully.

"It's not any less important." I reminded him and he grinned and walked away. I waved bye to my dad and we hung up. I hugged my mom one more time, and we left for class.

I walked into breakfast and saw Brianna sitting at the table. I grabbed my fruit and walked over to her. She looked up and waved me over and I picked up the pace. I sat down across from her and we were both beaming.

"Are you excited?" She asked me, clearly she was.

"YES!" I squealed and we both laughed. We sat there and talked about everything for about ten minutes, and then Asia walked over. "Hi sweetheart." I lightly smiled. She didn't sit down and still had on her bag.

"Do you wanna sit?" Brianna asked her awkwardly.

"No, I was just gonna ask if I could sit with my mom today?" She asked shyly.

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