Chapter 40

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I fluffed out my curled hair, and turned off the curling iron. I applied some mascara, and lipgloss, and refrained from painting the rest of my face before tonight. I walked over to my bed and sat down in my sweatpants and a tank top, resting my back against the pillows. I closed my eyes for a moment, dreaming of Joffrey and the life ahead of me. While relaxing, I heard a knock at the door. I got up, and answered the door to find Jordyn.

"Hey, I thought I was gonna text you the outfit?" I asked confused.

"I know, I just knew you weren't yourself and wanted to check in on you." She gave me her comforting smile, and I let her in. We headed to my bed and leaned up against the pillows. "So, I figured you didn't want to talk about it, because having everyone ask you the same thing literally makes everything worse." She laughed.

"Yeah, you're telling me." I sighed, and she opened her backpack.

"So...I brought games!" She pulled out an abundance of boxes. "We have 'Snakes and Ladders', 'Candy Land, 'Connect Four', 'Monopoly' but we're not playing that because that tears friendships apart." She laid them all out in front of me. I pointed at my favorite game.

"Obviously 'Candy Land'." I smiled and plugged in my phone. I started playing some Shawn Mendes, as we started our game.

"Madison, it's three, I know I'm late, but I can be ready in fifteen, are you ready to-" my mom walked in after about an hour, realizing Jordyn was here, and I was in pajamas.

"It's three? What?!" I shot out of the bed and ran to grab my dress as Jordyn laughed.

"I'm sorry, I'm making you late!" She apologized while wrapping up the game.

"Hey! Don't you dare move that board. I have four more spaces until I win." I peeked my head out of the bathroom.

"Okay, well what am I supposed to do with it?" She asked, laughing.

"Leave it! Come back tonight after the party and we'll finish!" I shouted from inside the bathroom while slipping into my black off the shoulder dress. I stepped out and Jordyn zipped me up. "Thanks!" I smiled and grabbed a pair of heels.

"You look great! I have to go start getting ready, I'll see you in like an hour." She hugged me goodbye.

"Jordyn?" I called after her as she left, and she turned around. "Thank you. I really needed that." She beamed and left my room. I grabbed my dance bag, and my moms purse. My mom came out of her bathroom and I handed her the purse and she thanked me.

"Oh honey, you look beautiful." She put her hand on my cheek and I hugged her.

"So do you." I grabbed my moms hand as we left the building.

"Madison, can you tell me what this experience with your mom has been like?" Jeff asked me as I sat on the familiar stool, in front of the three cameras, that seem to know me better than anyone these past two months.

"I've never spent so much time with my mom. Honestly, we kind of argue a lot at home, but like in a "I'm gonna yell at you for two seconds, and then it's fine and I won't be mad at you anymore" kind of way. I used to be the most nervous to perform in front of her, because her opinion matters the most to me. It still does, but I feel the most calm dancing for her. She knows exactly what to say, she's always there for me, she has the special mom touch. I couldn't be more thankful to share this experience with anyone else. I've never been closer with her, and I really hope that doesn't change when we go back home, because I've loved hanging out with her for two months, which is something most thirteen year olds can't say."

"What's been your favorite moment of this competition?" Jeff looked down at his clipboard.

"My favorite moment? Does everything count?" I nervously laughed, trying to come up with an answer. "Okay, so I think it was the fourth competition, where like it was the end of the world. I was having a rough week, and I got paired with Jordyn for a robot kind of dance, and she literally brightened my whole week. I loved the dance, the judges did, it went so well, I realized I had made such amazing friends here, and it just made a difficult week into a really pleasant experience. Also, last week with the circus, because that was literally one of the coolest experiences. How many times do I get to use silks, and get basically all positive feedback from the judges? Very rarely." I smiled, remembering the amazing memories I've made here.

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